-- RESTful API -- -- Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Kim Alvefur -- -- This file is MIT/X11 licensed. local errors = require "util.error"; local http = require "net.http"; local id = require "util.id"; local jid = require "util.jid"; local st = require "util.stanza"; local xml = require "util.xml"; local allow_any_source = module:get_host_type() == "component"; local validate_from_addresses = module:get_option_boolean("validate_from_addresses", true); local secret = assert(module:get_option_string("rest_credentials"), "rest_credentials is a required setting"); local auth_type = assert(secret:match("^%S+"), "Format of rest_credentials MUST be like 'Bearer secret'"); assert(auth_type == "Bearer", "Only 'Bearer' is supported in rest_credentials"); -- Bearer token local function check_credentials(request) return request.headers.authorization == secret; end local function handle_post(event) local request, response = event.request, event.response; if not request.headers.authorization then response.headers.www_authenticate = ("%s realm=%q"):format(auth_type, module.host.."/"..module.name); return 401; elseif not check_credentials(request) then return 401; end if request.headers.content_type ~= "application/xmpp+xml" then return errors.new({ code = 415, text = "'application/xmpp+xml' expected" }); end local payload, err = xml.parse(request.body); if not payload then -- parse fail return errors.new({ code = 400, text = err }); end if payload.attr.xmlns then return errors.new({ code = 422, text = "'xmlns' attribute must be empty" }); elseif payload.name ~= "message" and payload.name ~= "presence" and payload.name ~= "iq" then return errors.new({ code = 422, text = "Invalid stanza, must be 'message', 'presence' or 'iq'." }); end local to = jid.prep(payload.attr.to); if not to then return errors.new({ code = 422, text = "Invalid destination JID" }); end local from = module.host; if allow_any_source and payload.attr.from then from = jid.prep(payload.attr.from); if not from then return errors.new({ code = 422, text = "Invalid source JID" }); end if validate_from_addresses and not jid.compare(from, module.host) then return errors.new({ code = 403, text = "Source JID must belong to current host" }); end end payload.attr = { from = from, to = to, id = payload.attr.id or id.medium(), type = payload.attr.type, ["xml:lang"] = payload.attr["xml:lang"], }; module:log("debug", "Received[rest]: %s", payload:top_tag()); if payload.name == "iq" then if payload.attr.type ~= "get" and payload.attr.type ~= "set" then return errors.new({ code = 422, text = "'iq' stanza must be of type 'get' or 'set'" }); end return module:send_iq(payload):next( function (result) response.headers.content_type = "application/xmpp+xml"; module:log("debug", "Sending[rest]: %s", result.stanza:top_tag()); return tostring(result.stanza); end, function (error) if error.context.stanza then response.headers.content_type = "application/xmpp+xml"; module:log("debug", "Sending[rest]: %s", error.context.stanza:top_tag()); return tostring(error.context.stanza); else return error; end end); else local origin = {}; function origin.send(stanza) module:log("debug", "Sending[rest]: %s", stanza:top_tag()); response:send(tostring(stanza)); return true; end response.headers.content_type = "application/xmpp+xml"; if module:send(payload, origin) then return 202; else return 500; end end end -- Handle stanzas submitted via HTTP module:depends("http"); module:provides("http", { route = { POST = handle_post; }; }); -- Forward stanzas from XMPP to HTTP and return any reply local rest_url = module:get_option_string("rest_callback_url", nil); if rest_url then local code2err = { [400] = { condition = "bad-request"; type = "modify" }; [401] = { condition = "not-authorized"; type = "auth" }; [402] = { condition = "not-authorized"; type = "auth" }; [403] = { condition = "forbidden"; type = "auth" }; [404] = { condition = "item-not-found"; type = "cancel" }; [406] = { condition = "not-acceptable"; type = "modify" }; [408] = { condition = "remote-server-timeout"; type = "wait" }; [409] = { condition = "conflict"; type = "cancel" }; [410] = { condition = "gone"; type = "cancel" }; [411] = { condition = "bad-request"; type = "modify" }; [412] = { condition = "bad-request"; type = "modify" }; [413] = { condition = "resource-constraint"; type = "modify" }; [414] = { condition = "resource-constraint"; type = "modify" }; [415] = { condition = "bad-request"; type = "modify" }; [429] = { condition = "resource-constraint"; type = "wait" }; [431] = { condition = "resource-constraint"; type = "wait" }; [500] = { condition = "internal-server-error"; type = "cancel" }; [501] = { condition = "feature-not-implemented"; type = "modify" }; [502] = { condition = "remote-server-timeout"; type = "wait" }; [503] = { condition = "service-unavailable"; type = "cancel" }; [504] = { condition = "remote-server-timeout"; type = "wait" }; [507] = { condition = "resource-constraint"; type = "wait" }; }; local function handle_stanza(event) local stanza, origin = event.stanza, event.origin; local reply_needed = stanza.name == "iq"; local receipt; if stanza.name == "message" and stanza.attr.id and stanza:get_child("urn:xmpp:receipts", "request") then reply_needed = true; receipt = st.stanza("received", { xmlns = "urn:xmpp:receipts", id = stanza.id }); end local request_body = tostring(stanza); -- Keep only the top level element and let the rest be GC'd stanza = st.clone(stanza, true); module:log("debug", "Sending[rest]: %s", stanza:top_tag()); http.request(rest_url, { body = request_body, headers = { ["Content-Type"] = "application/xmpp+xml", ["Content-Language"] = stanza.attr["xml:lang"], Accept = "application/xmpp+xml, text/plain", }, }, function (body, code, response) if (code == 202 or code == 204) and not reply_needed then -- Delivered, no reply return; end local reply, reply_text; if response.headers["content-type"] == "application/xmpp+xml" then local parsed, err = xml.parse(body); if not parsed then module:log("warn", "REST callback responded with invalid XML: %s, %q", err, body); elseif parsed.name ~= stanza.name then module:log("warn", "REST callback responded with the wrong stanza type, got %s but expected %s", parsed.name, stanza.name); else parsed.attr.to, parsed.attr.from = stanza.attr.from, stanza.attr.to; if parsed.name == "iq" or parsed.attr.type == "error" then parsed.attr.id = stanza.attr.id; end reply = parsed; end elseif response.headers["content-type"] == "text/plain" then reply = st.reply(stanza); if body ~= "" then reply_text = body; end elseif body ~= "" then -- ignore empty body module:log("debug", "Callback returned response of unhandled type %q", response.headers["content-type"]); end if not reply then local code_hundreds = code - (code % 100); if code_hundreds == 200 then reply = st.reply(stanza); if stanza.name ~= "iq" then reply.attr.id = id.medium(); end if reply_text and reply.name == "message" then reply:body(reply_text, { ["xml:lang"] = response.headers["content-language"] }); end -- TODO presence/status=body ? elseif code2err[code] then reply = st.error_reply(stanza, errors.new(code, nil, code2err)); elseif code_hundreds == 400 then reply = st.error_reply(stanza, "modify", "bad-request", reply_text); elseif code_hundreds == 500 then reply = st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "internal-server-error", reply_text); else reply = st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "undefined-condition", reply_text); end end if receipt then reply:add_direct_child(receipt); end module:log("debug", "Received[rest]: %s", reply:top_tag()); origin.send(reply); end); return true; end if module:get_host_type() == "component" then module:hook("iq/bare", handle_stanza, -1); module:hook("message/bare", handle_stanza, -1); module:hook("presence/bare", handle_stanza, -1); module:hook("iq/full", handle_stanza, -1); module:hook("message/full", handle_stanza, -1); module:hook("presence/full", handle_stanza, -1); module:hook("iq/host", handle_stanza, -1); module:hook("message/host", handle_stanza, -1); module:hook("presence/host", handle_stanza, -1); else -- Don't override everything on normal VirtualHosts module:hook("iq/host", handle_stanza, -1); module:hook("message/host", handle_stanza, -1); module:hook("presence/host", handle_stanza, -1); end end