local base64 = require "util.encodings".base64; local sha1 = require "util.hashes".sha1; local st = require "util.stanza"; local sm_bind_resource = require "core.sessionmanager".bind_resource; local xmlns_bind2 = "urn:xmpp:bind2:1"; local xmlns_sasl2 = "urn:xmpp:sasl:2"; -- Advertise what we can do module:hook("stream-features", function(event) local origin, features = event.origin, event.features; if origin.type ~= "c2s_unauthed" then return; end local inline = st.stanza("inline", { xmlns = xmlns_bind2 }); module:fire_event("advertise-bind-features", { origin = origin, features = inline }); features:add_direct_child(inline); end, 1); module:hook("advertise-sasl-features", function(event) event.features:tag("bind", { xmlns = xmlns_bind2 }):up(); end, 1); -- Helper to actually bind a resource to a session local function do_bind(session, bind_request) local resource; local client_id_tag = bind_request:get_child("client-id"); local client_id = client_id_tag and client_id_tag:get_text() or session.client_id; if client_id and client_id ~= "" then local tag = client_id_tag and client_id_tag.attr.tag or "client"; resource = ("%s~%s"):format(tag, base64.encode(sha1(client_id):sub(1, 9))); end local success, err_type, err, err_msg = sm_bind_resource(session, resource); if not success then session.log("debug", "Resource bind failed: %s", err_msg or err); return nil, { type = err_type, condition = err, text = err_msg }; end session.log("debug", "Resource bound: %s", session.full_jid); return st.stanza("bound", { xmlns = xmlns_bind2 }) :text_tag("jid", session.full_jid) end -- Enable inline features requested by the client local function enable_features(session, bind_request, bind_result) local features = bind_request:get_child("features"); if not features then return; end module:fire_event("enable-bind-features", { session = session; features = features; result = bind_result; }); end -- SASL 2 integration module:hook_tag(xmlns_sasl2, "authenticate", function (session, auth) -- Cache action for future processing (after auth success) session.sasl2_bind_request = auth:child_with_ns(xmlns_bind2); end, 100); module:hook("sasl2/c2s/success", function (event) local session = event.session; local bind_request = session.sasl2_bind_request; if not bind_request then return; end -- No bind requested session.sasl2_bind_request = nil; local sm_success = session.sasl2_sm_success; if sm_success and sm_success.type == "resumed" then return; -- No need to bind a resource end local bind_result, err = do_bind(session, bind_request); if not bind_result then bind_result = st.stanza("failed", { xmlns = xmlns_bind2 }) :add_error(err); else enable_features(session, bind_request, bind_result); end event.success:add_child(bind_result); end, 100); -- Inline features module:hook("advertise-bind-features", function (event) local features = event.features; features:tag("feature", { var = "urn:xmpp:carbons:2" }):up(); features:tag("feature", { var = "urn:xmpp:csi:0" }):up(); end); module:hook("enable-bind-features", function (event) local session, features = event.session, event.features; -- Carbons if features:get_child("enable", "urn:xmpp:carbons:2") then session.want_carbons = true; event.result:tag("enabled", { xmlns = "urn:xmpp:carbons:2" }):up(); end -- CSI local csi_state_tag = features:child_with_ns("urn:xmpp:csi:0"); if csi_state_tag then session.state = csi_state_tag.name; end end, 10);