local jid = require "util.jid"; local is_contact_subscribed = require "core.rostermanager".is_contact_subscribed; local xmlns_push = "urn:xmpp:push:0"; local xmlns_push_filter_unknown = "tigase:push:filter:ignore-unknown:0"; local xmlns_push_filter_muted = "tigase:push:filter:muted:0"; local xmlns_push_filter_groupchat = "tigase:push:filter:groupchat:0"; local xmlns_references = "urn:xmpp:reference:0"; -- https://xeps.tigase.net//docs/push-notifications/encrypt/#41-discovering-support local function account_disco_info(event) event.reply:tag("feature", {var=xmlns_push_filter_unknown}):up(); event.reply:tag("feature", {var=xmlns_push_filter_muted}):up(); event.reply:tag("feature", {var=xmlns_push_filter_groupchat}):up(); end module:hook("account-disco-info", account_disco_info); function handle_register(event) local enable = event.stanza:get_child("enable", xmlns_push); local filter_unknown = enable:get_child("ignore-unknown", xmlns_push_filter_unknown); if filter_unknown then event.push_info.filter_unknown = true; end local filter_muted = enable:get_child("muted", xmlns_push_filter_muted); if filter_muted then local muted_jids = {}; for item in filter_muted:childtags("item") do local room_jid = jid.prep(item.attr.jid); if not room_jid then module:log("warn", "Skipping invalid JID: <%s>", room_jid); else muted_jids[room_jid] = true; end end event.push_info.muted_jids = muted_jids; end local filter_groupchat = enable:get_child("groupchat", xmlns_push_filter_groupchat); if filter_groupchat then local groupchat_rules = {}; for item in filter_groupchat:childtags("room") do local room_jid = jid.prep(item.attr.jid); if not room_jid then module:log("warn", "Skipping invalid JID: <%s>", item.attr.jid); else groupchat_rules[room_jid] = { when = item.attr.allow; nick = item.attr.nick; }; end end event.push_info.groupchat_rules = groupchat_rules; end end function handle_push(event) local push_info = event.push_info; local stanza = event.original_stanza; local user_name, user_host = jid.split(stanza.attr.to); local sender_jid = jid.bare(stanza.attr.from); if push_info.filter_unknown then if user_host == module.host and not is_contact_subscribed(user_name, user_host, sender_jid) then event.reason = "Filtering: unknown sender"; return true; end end if push_info.muted_jids then if push_info.muted_jids[sender_jid] then event.reason = "Filtering: muted"; return true; end end if stanza.attr.type == "groupchat" and push_info.groupchat_rules then local rule = push_info.groupchat_rules[sender_jid]; if rule then if rule.when == "never" then event.reason = "Filtering: muted group chat"; return true; elseif rule.when == "mentioned" then local mentioned = false; local our_uri = "xmpp:"..jid.bare(stanza.attr.to); local our_muc_uri = rule.nick and "xmpp:"..sender_jid.."/"..rule.nick; for reference in stanza:childtags("reference", xmlns_references) do if reference.attr.type == "mention" then local mention_uri = reference.attr.uri; if mention_uri == our_uri or mention_uri == our_muc_uri then mentioned = true; break; end end end if not mentioned then event.reason = "Filtering: not mentioned"; return true; end end end end end module:hook("cloud_notify/registration", handle_register); module:hook("cloud_notify/push", handle_push);