local is_contact_subscribed = require"core.rostermanager".is_contact_subscribed; local jid_split = require"util.jid".split; local jid_bare = require"util.jid".bare; local st = require"util.stanza"; local datetime = require"util.datetime"; local cache = require "util.cache"; local cache_size = module:get_option_number("presence_cache_size", 100); local bare_cache = {}; -- [username NUL bare_jid] = { [full_jid] = timestamp, ... } local function on_evict(cache_key) local bare_cache_key = cache_key:match("^%Z+%z[^/]+"); local full_jid = cache_key:match("%z(.*)$"); local jids = bare_cache[bare_cache_key]; if jids then jids[full_jid] = nil; end if next(jids) == nil then bare_cache[bare_cache_key] = nil; end end local presence_cache = cache.new(cache_size, on_evict); local function cache_hook(event) local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza; local typ = stanza.attr.type; module:log("debug", "Cache hook, got %s from a %s", stanza:top_tag(), origin.type); if origin.type == "s2sin" and ( typ == nil or typ == "unavailable" ) then local contact_full = stanza.attr.from; local contact_bare = jid_bare(contact_full); local username, host = jid_split(stanza.attr.to); if not is_contact_subscribed(username, host, contact_bare) then module:log("debug", "Presence from jid not in roster"); return; end local cache_key = username .. "\0" .. contact_full; local bare_cache_key = username .. "\0" .. contact_bare; local stamp = datetime.datetime(); local jids = bare_cache[bare_cache_key]; if jids then jids[contact_full] = stamp; else jids = { [contact_full] = stamp }; bare_cache[bare_cache_key] = jids; end presence_cache:set(cache_key, true); end end module:hook("presence/bare", cache_hook, 10); -- module:hook("presence/full", cache_hook, 10); local function answer_probe_from_cache(event) local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza; if stanza.attr.type ~= "probe" then return; end local username = origin.username; local contact_bare = stanza.attr.to; local bare_cache_key = username .. "\0" .. contact_bare; local cached = bare_cache[bare_cache_key]; if not cached then return end for jid, stamp in pairs(cached) do local presence = st.presence({ to = origin.full_jid, from = jid }) :tag("delay", { xmlns = "urn:xmpp:delay", from = module.host, stamp = stamp }):up(); origin.send(presence); end end module:hook("pre-presence/bare", answer_probe_from_cache, 10);