local http = require "prosody.net.http"; local array = require "prosody.util.array"; local async = require "prosody.util.async"; local hashes = require "prosody.util.hashes"; local httputil = require "prosody.util.http"; local it = require "prosody.util.iterators"; local jid = require "prosody.util.jid"; local json = require "prosody.util.json"; local st = require "prosody.util.stanza"; local xml = require "prosody.util.xml"; local url = require "socket.url"; local hmac_sha256 = hashes.hmac_sha256; local sha256 = hashes.sha256; local driver = {}; local bucket = module:get_option_string("s3_bucket", "prosody"); local base_uri = module:get_option_string("s3_base_uri", "http://localhost:9000"); local region = module:get_option_string("s3_region", "us-east-1"); local access_key = module:get_option_string("s3_access_key"); local secret_key = module:get_option_string("s3_secret_key"); function driver:open(store, typ) local mt = self[typ or "keyval"] if not mt then return nil, "unsupported-store"; end return setmetatable({ store = store; bucket = bucket; type = typ }, mt); end local keyval = { }; driver.keyval = { __index = keyval; __name = module.name .. " keyval store" }; local aws4_format = "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=%s/%s, SignedHeaders=%s, Signature=%s"; local function new_request(method, path, query, payload) local request = url.parse(base_uri); request.path = path; local payload_type = nil; if st.is_stanza(payload) then payload_type = "application/xml"; payload = tostring(payload); elseif payload ~= nil then payload_type = "application/json"; payload = json.encode(payload); end local payload_hash = sha256(payload or "", true); local now = os.time(); local aws_datetime = os.date("!%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ", now); local aws_date = os.date("!%Y%m%d", now); local headers = { ["Accept"] = "*/*"; ["Authorization"] = nil; ["Content-Type"] = payload_type; ["Host"] = request.authority; ["User-Agent"] = "Prosody XMPP Server"; ["X-Amz-Content-Sha256"] = payload_hash; ["X-Amz-Date"] = aws_datetime; }; local canonical_uri = url.build({ path = request.path }); local canonical_query = ""; local canonical_headers = array(); local signed_headers = array() if query then local sorted_query = array(); for name, value in it.sorted_pairs(query) do sorted_query:push({ name = name; value = value }); end sorted_query:sort(function (a,b) return a.name < b.name end) canonical_query = httputil.formencode(sorted_query):gsub("%%%x%x", string.upper); request.query = canonical_query; end for header_name, header_value in it.sorted_pairs(headers) do header_name = header_name:lower(); canonical_headers:push(header_name .. ":" .. header_value .. "\n"); signed_headers:push(header_name); end canonical_headers = canonical_headers:concat(); signed_headers = signed_headers:concat(";"); local scope = aws_date .. "/" .. region .. "/s3/aws4_request"; local canonical_request = method .. "\n" .. canonical_uri .. "\n" .. canonical_query .. "\n" .. canonical_headers .. "\n" .. signed_headers .. "\n" .. payload_hash; local signature_payload = "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256" .. "\n" .. aws_datetime .. "\n" .. scope .. "\n" .. sha256(canonical_request, true); -- This can be cached? local date_key = hmac_sha256("AWS4" .. secret_key, aws_date); local date_region_key = hmac_sha256(date_key, region); local date_region_service_key = hmac_sha256(date_region_key, "s3"); local signing_key = hmac_sha256(date_region_service_key, "aws4_request"); local signature = hmac_sha256(signing_key, signature_payload, true); headers["Authorization"] = string.format(aws4_format, access_key, scope, signed_headers, signature); return http.request(url.build(request), { method = method; headers = headers; body = payload }); end -- coerce result back into Prosody data type local function on_result(response) local content_type = response.headers["content-type"]; if content_type == "application/json" then return json.decode(response.body); elseif content_type == "application/xml" then return xml.parse(response.body); elseif content_type == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" then return httputil.formdecode(response.body); else response.log("warn", "Unknown response data type %s", content_type); return response.body; end end function keyval:_path(key) return url.build_path({ is_absolute = true; bucket; jid.escape(module.host); jid.escape(self.store); jid.escape(key or ""); }) end function keyval:get(user) return async.wait_for(new_request("GET", self:_path(user)):next(on_result)); end function keyval:set(user, data) if data == nil or (type(data) == "table" and next(data) == nil) then return async.wait_for(new_request("DELETE", self:_path(user))); end return async.wait_for(new_request("PUT", self:_path(user), nil, data)); end function keyval:users() local bucket_path = url.build_path({ is_absolute = true; bucket; is_directory = true }); local prefix = url.build_path({ jid.escape(module.host); jid.escape(self.store); is_directory = true }); local list_result, err = async.wait_for(new_request("GET", bucket_path, { prefix = prefix })) if err or list_result.code ~= 200 then return nil, err; end local list_bucket_result = xml.parse(list_result.body); if list_bucket_result:get_child_text("IsTruncated") == "true" then local max_keys = list_bucket_result:get_child_text("MaxKeys"); module:log("warn", "Paging truncated results not implemented, max %s %s returned", max_keys, self.store); end local keys = array(); for content in list_bucket_result:childtags("Contents") do local key = url.parse_path(content:get_child_text("Key")); keys:push(jid.unescape(key[3])); end return function() return keys:pop(); end end module:provides("storage", driver);