local http_formdecode = require "net.http".formdecode; local api_key_store; local invites; -- COMPAT: workaround to avoid executing inside prosodyctl if prosody.shutdown then module:depends("http"); api_key_store = module:open_store("invite_api_keys", "map"); invites = module:depends("invites"); end local function get_api_user(request, params) local combined_key; local auth_header = request.headers.authorization; if not auth_header then params = params or http_formdecode(request.url.query or "="); combined_key = params.key; else local auth_type, value = auth_header:match("^(%S+)%s(%S+)$"); if auth_type ~= "Bearer" then return; end combined_key = value; end if not combined_key then return; end local key_id, key_token = combined_key:match("^([^/]+)/(.+)$"); if not key_id then return; end local api_user = api_key_store:get(nil, key_id); if not api_user or api_user.token ~= key_token then return; end -- TODO: key expiry, rate limiting, etc. return api_user; end function handle_request(event) local query_params = http_formdecode(event.request.url.query); local api_user = get_api_user(event.request, query_params); if not api_user then return 403; end if api_user.allowed_methods and not api_user.allowed_methods[event.request.method] then return 405; end local invite = invites.create_account(nil, { source = "api/token/"..api_user.id }); if not invite then return 500; end event.response.headers.Location = invite.landing_page or invite.uri; if query_params.redirect then return 303; end return 201; end if invites then module:provides("http", { route = { ["GET"] = handle_request; }; }); end function module.command(arg) if #arg < 2 then print("Usage:"); print(""); print(" prosodyctl mod_"..module.name.." create NAME"); print(" prosodyctl mod_"..module.name.." delete KEY_ID"); print(" prosodyctl mod_"..module.name.." list"); print(""); end local command = table.remove(arg, 1); local host = table.remove(arg, 1); if not prosody.hosts[host] then print("Error: please supply a valid host"); return 1; end require "core.storagemanager".initialize_host(host); module.host = host; --luacheck: ignore 122/module api_key_store = module:open_store("invite_api_keys", "map"); if command == "create" then local id = require "util.id".short(); local token = require "util.id".long(); api_key_store:set(nil, id, { id = id; token = token; name = arg[1]; created_at = os.time(); allowed_methods = { GET = true, POST = true }; }); print(id.."/"..token); elseif command == "delete" then local id = table.remove(arg, 1); if not api_key_store:get(nil, id) then print("Error: key not found"); return 1; end api_key_store:set(nil, id, nil); elseif command == "list" then local api_key_store_kv = module:open_store("invite_api_keys"); for key_id, key_info in pairs(api_key_store_kv:get(nil) or {}) do print(key_id, key_info.name or ""); end else print("Unknown command - "..command); end end