local st = require "util.stanza"; local jid_bare = require "util.jid".bare; local rsm = require "util.rsm"; local dataform = require "util.dataforms".new; local datetime = require "util.datetime".datetime; local archive = module:open_store("archive", "archive"); local query_form = dataform { { name = "with"; type = "jid-single"; }; { name = "start"; type = "text-single" }; { name = "end"; type = "text-single"; }; }; if not archive.summary then module:log("error", "The archive:summary() API is not supported by %s", archive._provided_by); return end module:hook("iq-get/self/xmpp:prosody.im/mod_map:summary", function(event) local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza; local query = stanza.tags[1]; -- Search query parameters local qwith, qstart, qend; local form = query:get_child("x", "jabber:x:data"); if form then local err; form, err = query_form:data(form); if err then origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "modify", "bad-request", select(2, next(err)))); return true; end qwith, qstart, qend = form["with"], form["start"], form["end"]; qwith = qwith and jid_bare(qwith); -- dataforms does jidprep end local qset = rsm.get(query); local qmax = qset and qset.max; local before, after = qset and qset.before, qset and qset.after; if type(before) ~= "string" then before = nil; end local summary = archive:summary(origin.username, { start = qstart; ["end"] = qend; -- Time range with = qwith; limit = qmax; before = before; after = after; }); if not summary then module:send(st.error_reply(stanza, "wait", "internal-server-error")); return true; end local reply = st.reply(stanza); reply:tag("summary", { xmlns = "xmpp:prosody.im/mod_map" }); for jid, count in pairs(summary.counts) do reply:tag("item", { jid = jid }); if type(count) == "number" then reply:text_tag("count", ("%d"):format(count)); end if summary.earliest and summary.earliest[jid] then reply:text_tag("start", datetime(summary.earliest[jid])); end if summary.latest and summary.latest[jid] then reply:text_tag("end", datetime(summary.latest[jid])); end if summary.body and summary.body[jid] then reply:text_tag("body", summary.body[jid]); end reply:up(); end module:send(reply); return true; end);