local dataforms = require "util.dataforms"; local st = require "util.stanza"; local mod_muc = module:depends("muc"); assert(mod_muc.live_rooms, "Missing required MUC API. Prosody >= hg:f5c43e829d93 required") local search_form = dataforms.new { { type = "hidden"; value = "https://xmlns.zombofant.net/muclumbus/search/1.0#params"; name = "FORM_TYPE"; }; { type = "text-single"; label = "Search for"; name = "q"; }; { type = "boolean"; value = true; label = "Search in name"; name = "sinname"; }; { type = "boolean"; value = true; label = "Search in description"; name = "sindescription"; }; { type = "boolean"; value = true; label = "Search in address"; name = "sinaddr"; }; { type = "text-single"; value = "1"; label = "Minimum number of users"; name = "min_users"; }; { options = { { label = "Number of online users"; value = "nusers"; }; { label = "Address"; value = "address"; }; }; type = "list-single"; value = "nusers"; label = "Sort results by"; name = "key"; }; }; module:hook("iq-get/host/https://xmlns.zombofant.net/muclumbus/search/1.0:search", function (event) local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza; origin.send(st.reply(stanza) :tag("search", { xmlns = "https://xmlns.zombofant.net/muclumbus/search/1.0" }) :add_child(search_form:form())); return true; end); module:hook("iq-set/host/https://xmlns.zombofant.net/muclumbus/search/1.0:search", function (event) local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza; local search = stanza.tags[1]; local submitted = search:get_child("x", "jabber:x:data"); if not submitted then origin.send(st.error_reply("modify", "bad-request", "Missing dataform")); return; end local query = search_form:data(submitted); module:log("debug", "Got query: %q", query); local result = st.reply(stanza) :tag("result", { xmlns = "https://xmlns.zombofant.net/muclumbus/search/1.0" }); for room in mod_muc.live_rooms() do if room:get_public() and not room:get_members_only() then module:log("debug", "Looking at room %s %q", room.jid, room._data); if (query.sinname and room:get_name():find(query.q, 1, true)) or (query.sindescription and (room:get_description() or ""):find(query.q, 1, true)) or (query.sinaddr and room.jid:find(query.q, 1, true)) then result:tag("item", { address = room.jid }) :text_tag("name", room:get_name()) :text_tag("description", room:get_description()) :text_tag("language", room:get_language()) :tag("is-open"):up() :up(); end end end origin.send(result); return true; end);