-- Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Florian Zeitz -- -- This file is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the -- COPYING file in the source package for more information. -- local _G = _G; local prosody = _G.prosody; local hosts = prosody.hosts; require "util.iterators"; local dataforms_new = require "util.dataforms".new; local array = require "util.array"; local modulemanager = require "modulemanager"; local adhoc_new = module:require "adhoc".new; function list_modules_handler(self, data, state) local result = dataforms_new { title = "List of loaded modules"; { name = "FORM_TYPE", type = "hidden", value = "http://prosody.im/protocol/modules#list" }; { name = "modules", type = "text-multi", label = "The following modules are loaded:" }; }; local modules = array.collect(keys(hosts[data.to].modules)):sort():concat("\n"); return { status = "completed", result = { layout = result; data = { modules = modules } } }; end -- TODO: Allow reloading multiple modules (depends on list-multi) function reload_modules_handler(self, data, state) local modules = {}; local layout = dataforms_new { title = "Reload module"; instructions = "Select the module to be reloaded"; { name = "FORM_TYPE", type = "hidden", value = "http://prosody.im/protocol/modules#reload" }; { name = "module", type = "list-single", value = modules, label = "Module to be reloaded:"}; }; if state then if data.action == "cancel" then return { status = "canceled" }; end fields = layout:data(data.form); local ok, err = modulemanager.reload(data.to, fields.module); if ok then return { status = "completed", info = 'Module "'..fields.module..'" successfully reloaded on host "'..data.to..'".' }; else return { status = "completed", error = 'Failed to reload module "'..fields.module..'" on host "'..data.to.. '". Error was: "'..tostring(err)..'"' }; end else local modules2 = array.collect(keys(hosts[data.to].modules)):sort(); for i, val in ipairs(modules2) do modules[i] = val; end return { status = "executing", form = layout }, "executing"; end end -- TODO: Allow unloading multiple modules (depends on list-multi) function unload_modules_handler(self, data, state) local modules = {}; local layout = dataforms_new { title = "Unload module"; instructions = "Select the module to be unloaded"; { name = "FORM_TYPE", type = "hidden", value = "http://prosody.im/protocol/modules#unload" }; { name = "module", type = "list-single", value = modules, label = "Module to be unloaded:"}; }; if state then if data.action == "cancel" then return { status = "canceled" }; end fields = layout:data(data.form); local ok, err = modulemanager.unload(data.to, fields.module); if ok then return { status = "completed", info = 'Module "'..fields.module..'" successfully unloaded on host "'..data.to..'".' }; else return { status = "completed", error = 'Failed to unload module "'..fields.module..'" on host "'..data.to.. '". Error was: "'..tostring(err)..'"' }; end else local modules2 = array.collect(keys(hosts[data.to].modules)):sort(); for i, val in ipairs(modules2) do modules[i] = val; end return { status = "executing", form = layout }, "executing"; end end local list_modules_desc = adhoc_new("List loaded modules", "http://prosody.im/protocol/modules#list", list_modules_handler, "admin"); local reload_modules_desc = adhoc_new("Reload module", "http://prosody.im/protocol/modules#reload", reload_modules_handler, "admin"); local unload_modules_desc = adhoc_new("Unload module", "http://prosody.im/protocol/modules#unload", unload_modules_handler, "admin"); module:add_item("adhoc", list_modules_desc); module:add_item("adhoc", reload_modules_desc); module:add_item("adhoc", unload_modules_desc);