-- Prosody IM -- Copyright (C) 2014 Matthew Wild -- -- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the -- COPYING file in the source package for more information. -- local usermanager = require "core.usermanager"; local new_sasl = require "util.sasl".new; local nodeprep = require "util.encodings".stringprep.nodeprep; local nameprep = require "util.encodings".stringprep.nameprep; local md5 = require "util.hashes".md5; local host = module.host; local auth_filename = module:get_option_string("auth_ha1_file", "auth.txt"); local auth_data = {}; function reload_auth_data() local f, err = io.open(auth_filename); if not f then module:log("error", "Failed to read from auth file: %s", err); return; end auth_data = {}; local line_number, imported_count, not_authorized_count = 0, 0, 0; for line in f:lines() do line_number = line_number + 1; local username, hash, realm, state = line:match("^([^:]+):(%x+):([^:]+):(.+)$"); if not username then module:log("error", "Unable to parse line %d of auth file, skipping", line_number); else username, realm = nodeprep(username), nameprep(realm); if not username then module:log("error", "Invalid username on line %d of auth file, skipping", line_number); elseif not realm then module:log("error", "Invalid hostname/realm on line %d of auth file, skipping", line_number); elseif state ~= "authorized" then not_authorized_count = not_authorized_count + 1; elseif realm == host then auth_data[username] = hash; imported_count = imported_count + 1; end end end f:close(); module:log("debug", "Loaded %d accounts from auth file (%d authorized)", imported_count, imported_count-not_authorized_count); end function module.load() reload_auth_data(); end module:hook_global("config-reloaded", reload_auth_data); -- define auth provider local provider = {}; function provider.test_password(username, password) module:log("debug", "test password for user %s at host %s, %s", username, host, password); local test_hash = md5(username..":"..host..":"..password, true); if test_hash == auth_data[username] then return true; else return nil, "Auth failed. Invalid username or password."; end end function provider.set_password(username, password) return nil, "Changing passwords not supported"; end function provider.user_exists(username) if not auth_data[username] then module:log("debug", "account not found for username '%s' at host '%s'", username, host); return nil, "Auth failed. Invalid username"; end return true; end function provider.create_user(username, password) return nil, "User creation not supported"; end function provider.delete_user(username) return nil , "User deletion not supported"; end function provider.get_sasl_handler() return new_sasl(host, { plain_test = function(sasl, username, password, realm) return usermanager.test_password(username, realm, password), true; end }); end module:provides("auth", provider);