-- Copyright (C) 2009 Thilo Cestonaro -- -- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the -- COPYING file in the source package for more information. -- local prosody = prosody; local tabSort = table.sort; local splitJid = require "util.jid".split; local bareJid = require "util.jid".bare; local config_get = require "core.configmanager".get; local httpserver = require "net.httpserver"; local serialize = require "util.serialization".serialize; local datamanager = require "util.datamanager"; local data_load, data_store, data_getpath = datamanager.load, datamanager.store, datamanager.getpath; local datastore = "muc_log"; local muc_hosts = {}; local config = nil; --[[ LuaFileSystem * URL: http://www.keplerproject.org/luafilesystem/index.html * Install: luarocks install luafilesystem * ]] local lfs = require "lfs"; local lom = require "lxp.lom"; --[[ * Default templates for the html output. ]]-- local html = {}; html.doc = [[ muc_log ###BODY_STUFF### ]]; html.components = {}; html.components.bit = [[###COMPONENT###
]] html.components.body = [[

MUC hosts available on this server:


]]; html.rooms = {}; html.rooms.bit = [[###ROOM###
]] html.rooms.body = [[

Rooms hosted on MUC host: ###COMPONENT###


]]; html.days = {}; html.days.bit = [[20###YEAR###/###MONTH###/###DAY###
]]; html.days.body = [[

available logged days of room: ###JID###


]]; html.day = {}; html.day.title = [[Subject: ###TITLE###]]; html.day.time = [[[###TIME###] ]]; -- the one ####TIME### need to stay! it will evaluate to e.g. #09:10:56 which is an anker then html.day.presence = {}; html.day.presence.join = [[
###TIME_STUFF### *** ###NICK### joins the room
]]; html.day.presence.leave = [[
###TIME_STUFF### *** ###NICK### leaves the room
]]; html.day.presence.statusText = [[ and his status message is "###STATUS###"]]; html.day.presence.statusChange = [[
###TIME_STUFF### *** ###NICK### shows now as "###SHOW###"###STATUS_STUFF###
]]; html.day.message = [[###TIME_STUFF###<###NICK###> ###MSG###
]]; html.day.titleChange = [[###TIME_STUFF### *** ###NICK### changed the title to "###TITLE###"
]]; html.day.reason = [[, the reason was "###REASON###"]] html.day.kick = [[###TIME_STUFF### *** ###VICTIM### got kicked###REASON_STUFF###
]]; html.day.bann = [[###TIME_STUFF### *** ###VICTIM### got banned###REASON_STUFF###
]]; html.day.body = [[

room ###JID### logging of 20###YEAR###/###MONTH###/###DAY###


show/hide joins and Leaves       show/hide status changes

]]; html.help = [[ MUC logging is not configured correctly.
Here is a example config:
Component "rooms.example.com" "muc"
  modules_enabled = {
  muc_log = {
    folder = "/opt/local/var/log/prosody/rooms";
    http_port = "/opt/local/var/log/prosody/rooms";
]]; local function ensureDatastorePathExists(node, host, today) local path = data_getpath(node, host, datastore, "dat", true); path = path:gsub("/[^/]*$", ""); -- check existance local attributes, err = lfs.attributes(path); if attributes == nil or attributes.mode ~= "directory" then module:log("warn", "muc_log folder isn't a folder: %s", path); return false; end attributes, err = lfs.attributes(path .. "/" .. today); if attributes == nil then return lfs.mkdir(path .. "/" .. today); elseif attributes.mode == "directory" then return true; end return false; end function logIfNeeded(e) local stanza, origin = e.stanza, e.origin; if (stanza.name == "presence") or (stanza.name == "iq") or (stanza.name == "message" and tostring(stanza.attr.type) == "groupchat") then local node, host, resource = splitJid(stanza.attr.to); if node ~= nil and host ~= nil then local bare = node .. "@" .. host; if muc_hosts[host] and prosody.hosts[host] ~= nil and prosody.hosts[host].muc ~= nil and prosody.hosts[host].muc.rooms[bare] ~= nil then local room = prosody.hosts[host].muc.rooms[bare] local today = os.date("%y%m%d"); local now = os.date("%X") local mucTo = nil local mucFrom = nil; local alreadyJoined = false; if room._data.hidden then -- do not log any data of private rooms return; end if stanza.name == "presence" and stanza.attr.type == nil then mucFrom = stanza.attr.to; if room._occupants ~= nil and room._occupants[stanza.attr.to] ~= nil then -- if true, the user has already joined the room alreadyJoined = true; stanza:tag("alreadyJoined"):text("true"); -- we need to log the information that the user has already joined, so add this and remove after logging end elseif stanza.name == "iq" and stanza.attr.type == "set" then -- kick, to is the room, from is the admin, nick who is kicked is attr of iq->query->item if stanza.tags[1] ~= nil and stanza.tags[1].name == "query" then local tmp = stanza.tags[1]; if tmp.tags[1] ~= nil and tmp.tags[1].name == "item" and tmp.tags[1].attr.nick ~= nil then tmp = tmp.tags[1]; for jid, nick in pairs(room._jid_nick) do if nick == stanza.attr.to .. "/" .. tmp.attr.nick then mucTo = nick; break; end end end end else for jid, nick in pairs(room._jid_nick) do if jid == stanza.attr.from then mucFrom = nick; break; end end end if (mucFrom ~= nil or mucTo ~= nil) and ensureDatastorePathExists(node, host, today) then local data = data_load(node, host, datastore .. "/" .. today); local realFrom = stanza.attr.from; local realTo = stanza.attr.to; if data == nil then data = {}; end stanza.attr.from = mucFrom; stanza.attr.to = mucTo; data[#data + 1] = "" .. tostring(stanza) .. "\n"; stanza.attr.from = realFrom; stanza.attr.to = realTo; if alreadyJoined == true then if stanza[#stanza].name == "alreadyJoined" then -- normaly the faked element should be the last, remove it when it is the last stanza[#stanza] = nil; else for i = 1, #stanza, 1 do if stanza[i].name == "alreadyJoined" then -- remove the faked element stanza[i] = nil; break; end end end end data_store(node, host, datastore .. "/" .. today, data); end end end end return; end function createDoc(body) return html.doc:gsub("###BODY_STUFF###", body or ""); end local function htmlEscape(t) t = t:gsub("<", "<"); t = t:gsub(">", ">"); t = t:gsub("(http://[%a%d@%.:/&%?=%-_#]+)", [[%1]]); t = t:gsub("\n", "
"); -- TODO do any html escaping stuff ... return t; end function splitUrl(url) local tmp = url:sub(string.len("/muc_log/") + 1); local day = nil; local room = nil; local component = nil; local at = nil; local slash = nil; local slash2 = nil; slash = tmp:find("/"); if slash then component = tmp:sub(1, slash - 1); if tmp:len() > slash then room = tmp:sub(slash + 1); slash = room:find("/"); if slash then tmp = room; room = tmp:sub(1, slash - 1); if tmp:len() > slash then day = tmp:sub(slash + 1); slash = day:find("/"); if slash then day = day:sub(1, slash - 1); end end end end end return room, component, day; end local function generateComponentListSiteContent() local components = ""; for component,muc_host in pairs(muc_hosts) do components = components .. html.components.bit:gsub("###COMPONENT###", component); end return html.components.body:gsub("###COMPONENTS_STUFF###", components); end local function generateRoomListSiteContent(component) local rooms = ""; if prosody.hosts[component] and prosody.hosts[component].muc ~= nil then for jid, room in pairs(prosody.hosts[component].muc.rooms) do local node = splitJid(jid); if not room._data.hidden and node then rooms = rooms .. html.rooms.bit:gsub("###ROOM###", node):gsub("###COMPONENT###", component); end end return html.rooms.body:gsub("###ROOMS_STUFF###", rooms):gsub("###COMPONENT###", component); end return generateComponentListSiteContent(); -- fallback end local function generateDayListSiteContentByRoom(bareRoomJid) local days = ""; local arrDays = {}; local tmp; local node, host, resource = splitJid(bareRoomJid); local path = data_getpath(node, host, datastore); local room = nil; local attributes = nil; path = path:gsub("/[^/]*$", ""); attributes = lfs.attributes(path); if muc_hosts[host] and prosody.hosts[host] ~= nil and prosody.hosts[host].muc ~= nil and prosody.hosts[host].muc.rooms[bareRoomJid] ~= nil then room = prosody.hosts[host].muc.rooms[bareRoomJid]; if room._data.hidden then room = nil end end if attributes ~= nil and room ~= nil then for file in lfs.dir(path) do local year, month, day = file:match("^(%d%d)(%d%d)(%d%d)"); if year ~= nil and month ~= nil and day ~= nil and year ~= "" and month ~= "" and day ~= "" then arrDays[#arrDays + 1] = {bare=file, year=year, month=month, day=day}; end end tabSort(arrDays, function(a,b) return a.bare < b.bare; end); for _, date in pairs(arrDays) do tmp = html.days.bit; tmp = tmp:gsub("###ROOM###", node):gsub("###COMPONENT###", host); tmp = tmp:gsub("###BARE_DAY###", date.bare); tmp = tmp:gsub("###YEAR###", date.year):gsub("###MONTH###", date.month):gsub("###DAY###", date.day); days = tmp .. days; end end if days ~= "" then tmp = html.days.body:gsub("###DAYS_STUFF###", days); return tmp:gsub("###JID###", bareRoomJid); else return generateRoomListSiteContent(host); -- fallback end end local function parseIqStanza(stanza, timeStuff, nick) local text = nil; local victim = nil; if(stanza.attr.type == "set") then for _,tag in ipairs(stanza) do if tag.tag == "query" then for _,item in ipairs(tag) do if item.tag == "item" and item.attr.nick ~= nil and tostring(item.attr.role) == 'none' then victim = item.attr.nick; for _,reason in ipairs(item) do if reason.tag == "reason" then text = reason[1]; break; end end break; end end break; end end if victim ~= nil then if text ~= nil then text = html.day.reason:gsub("###REASON###", htmlEscape(text)); else text = ""; end return html.day.kick:gsub("###TIME_STUFF###", timeStuff):gsub("###VICTIM###", victim):gsub("###REASON_STUFF###", text); end end return; end local function parsePresenceStanza(stanza, timeStuff, nick) local ret = ""; local showJoin = "block" if config and not config.showJoin then showJoin = "none"; end if stanza.attr.type == nil then local showStatus = "block" if config and not config.showStatus then showStatus = "none"; end local show, status = nil, ""; local alreadyJoined = false; for _, tag in ipairs(stanza) do if tag.tag == "alreadyJoined" then alreadyJoined = true; elseif tag.tag == "show" then show = tag[1]; elseif tag.tag == "status" then status = tag[1]; end end if alreadyJoined == true then if show == nil then show = "online"; end ret = html.day.presence.statusChange:gsub("###TIME_STUFF###", timeStuff); if status ~= "" then status = html.day.presence.statusText:gsub("###STATUS###", htmlEscape(status)); end ret = ret:gsub("###SHOW###", show):gsub("###NICK###", nick):gsub("###SHOWHIDE###", showStatus):gsub("###STATUS_STUFF###", status); else ret = html.day.presence.join:gsub("###TIME_STUFF###", timeStuff):gsub("###SHOWHIDE###", showJoin):gsub("###NICK###", nick); end elseif stanza.attr.type ~= nil and stanza.attr.type == "unavailable" then ret = html.day.presence.leave:gsub("###TIME_STUFF###", timeStuff):gsub("###SHOWHIDE###", showJoin):gsub("###NICK###", nick); end return ret; end local function parseMessageStanza(stanza, timeStuff, nick) local body, title, ret = nil, nil, ""; for _,tag in ipairs(stanza) do if tag.tag == "body" then body = tag[1]; if nick ~= nil then break; end elseif tag.tag == "nick" and nick == nil then nick = htmlEscape(tag[1]); if body ~= nil or title ~= nil then break; end elseif tag.tag == "subject" then title = tag[1]; if nick ~= nil then break; end end end if nick ~= nil and body ~= nil then body = htmlEscape(body); ret = html.day.message:gsub("###TIME_STUFF###", timeStuff):gsub("###NICK###", nick):gsub("###MSG###", body); elseif nick ~= nil and title ~= nil then title = htmlEscape(title); ret = html.day.titleChange:gsub("###TIME_STUFF###", timeStuff):gsub("###NICK###", nick):gsub("###TITLE###", title); end return ret; end local function parseDay(bareRoomJid, roomSubject, bare_day) local ret = ""; local year; local month; local day; local tmp; local node, host, resource = splitJid(bareRoomJid); local year, month, day = bare_day:match("^(%d%d)(%d%d)(%d%d)"); if bare_day ~= nil then local data = data_load(node, host, datastore .. "/" .. bare_day); if data ~= nil then for i=1, #data, 1 do local stanza = lom.parse(data[i]); if stanza ~= nil and stanza.attr ~= nil and stanza.attr.time ~= nil then local timeStuff = html.day.time:gsub("###TIME###", stanza.attr.time); if stanza[1] ~= nil then local nick; local tmp; -- grep nick from "from" resource if stanza[1].attr.from ~= nil then -- presence and messages nick = htmlEscape(stanza[1].attr.from:match("/(.+)$")); elseif stanza[1].attr.to ~= nil then -- iq nick = htmlEscape(stanza[1].attr.to:match("/(.+)$")); end if stanza[1].tag == "presence" and nick ~= nil then tmp = parsePresenceStanza(stanza[1], timeStuff, nick); elseif stanza[1].tag == "message" then tmp = parseMessageStanza(stanza[1], timeStuff, nick); elseif stanza[1].tag == "iq" then tmp = parseIqStanza(stanza[1], timeStuff, nick); else module:log("info", "unknown stanza subtag in log found. room: %s; day: %s", bareRoomJid, year .. "/" .. month .. "/" .. day); end if tmp ~= nil then ret = ret .. tmp tmp = nil; end end end end else return generateDayListSiteContentByRoom(bareRoomJid); -- fallback end tmp = html.day.body:gsub("###DAY_STUFF###", ret):gsub("###JID###", bareRoomJid); tmp = tmp:gsub("###YEAR###", year):gsub("###MONTH###", month):gsub("###DAY###", day); tmp = tmp:gsub("###TITLE_STUFF###", html.day.title:gsub("###TITLE###", roomSubject)); tmp = tmp:gsub("###STATUS_CHECKED###", config.showStatus and "checked='checked'" or ""); tmp = tmp:gsub("###JOIN_CHECKED###", config.showJoin and "checked='checked'" or ""); return tmp; else return generateDayListSiteContentByRoom(bareRoomJid); -- fallback end end --[[ local function loggingMucComponents() local n = 0; for component,_ in pairs(muc_hosts) do n = n + 1; end return n; end ]]-- function handle_request(method, body, request) -- local query = splitQuery(request.url.query); local node, host, day = splitUrl(request.url.path); --[[if host == nil and loggingMucComponents() == 1 then for component,_ in pairs(muc_hosts) do host = component; break; end module:log("debug", "host: %s", tostring(host)); end]]-- if node ~= nil and host ~= nil then local bare = node .. "@" .. host; if prosody.hosts[host] ~= nil and prosody.hosts[host].muc ~= nil then if prosody.hosts[host].muc.rooms[bare] ~= nil then local room = prosody.hosts[host].muc.rooms[bare]; if day == nil then return createDoc(generateDayListSiteContentByRoom(bare)); else local subject = "" if room._data ~= nil and room._data.subject ~= nil then subject = room._data.subject; end return createDoc(parseDay(bare, subject, day)); end else return createDoc(generateRoomListSiteContent(host)); end else return createDoc(generateComponentListSiteContent()); end elseif host ~= nil then return createDoc(generateRoomListSiteContent(host)); else return createDoc(generateComponentListSiteContent()); end return; end function module.load() config = config_get("*", "core", "muc_log") or {}; if config.showStatus == nil then config.showStatus = true; end if config.showJoin == nil then config.showJoin = true; end httpserver.new_from_config({ config.http_port or true }, handle_request, { base = "muc_log" }); for jid, host in pairs(prosody.hosts) do if host.muc then local logging = config_get(jid, "core", "logging"); if logging then module:log("debug", "component: %s", tostring(jid)); muc_hosts[jid] = true; end end end end function module.unload() muc_hosts = nil; end module:add_event_hook("component-activated", function(component, config) if config.core.logging == true then module:log("debug", "component: %s", tostring(component)); muc_hosts[component] = true; end end); module:hook("message/bare", logIfNeeded, 500); module:hook("pre-message/bare", logIfNeeded, 500); module:hook("iq/bare", logIfNeeded, 500); module:hook("pre-iq/bare", logIfNeeded, 500); module:hook("presence/full", logIfNeeded, 500); module:hook("pre-presence/full", logIfNeeded, 500);