local it = require "util.iterators"; local http = require "util.http"; local sm = require "core.storagemanager"; local st = require "util.stanza"; local xml = require "util.xml"; local tokens = module:depends("tokenauth"); module:depends("storage_xep0227"); local archive_store_name = module:get_option("archive_store", "archive"); local known_stores = { accounts = "keyval"; roster = "keyval"; private = "keyval"; pep = "keyval"; vcard = "keyval"; [archive_store_name] = "archive"; pep_data = "archive"; }; local function new_user_xml(username, host) local user_xml = st.stanza("server-data", {xmlns='urn:xmpp:pie:0'}) :tag("host", { jid = host }) :tag("user", { name = username }):reset(); return { set_user_xml = function (_, store_username, store_host, new_xml) if username ~= store_username or store_host ~= host then return nil; end user_xml = new_xml; return true; end; get_user_xml = function (_, store_username, store_host) if username ~= store_username or store_host ~= host then return nil; end return user_xml; end }; end local function get_selected_stores(query_params) local selected_kv_stores, selected_archive_stores, export_pep_data = {}, {}, false; if query_params.stores then for store_name in query_params.stores:gmatch("[^,]+") do local store_type = known_stores[store_name]; if store_type == "keyval" then table.insert(selected_kv_stores, store_name); elseif store_type == "archive" then if store_name == "pep_data" then export_pep_data = true; else table.insert(selected_archive_stores, store_name); end else module:log("warn", "Unknown store: %s", store_name); return 400; end end end return { keyval = selected_kv_stores; archive = selected_archive_stores; export_pep_data = export_pep_data; }; end local function get_config_driver(store_name, host) -- Fiddling to handle the 'pep_data' storage config override if store_name:find("pep_", 1, true) == 1 then store_name = "pep_data"; end -- Return driver return sm.get_driver(host, store_name); end local function handle_export_227(event) local session = assert(event.session, "No session found"); local xep227_driver = sm.load_driver(session.host, "xep0227"); local username = session.username; local user_xml = new_user_xml(session.username, session.host); local query_params = http.formdecode(event.request.url.query or ""); local selected_stores = get_selected_stores(query_params); for store_name in it.values(selected_stores.keyval) do -- Open the source store that contains the data local store = sm.open(session.host, store_name); -- Read the current data local data, err = store:get(username); if data ~= nil or not err then -- Initialize the destination store (XEP-0227 backed) local target_store = xep227_driver:open_xep0227(store_name, nil, user_xml); -- Transform the data and update user_xml (via the _set_user_xml callback) if not target_store:set(username, data == nil and {} or data) then return 500; end elseif err then return 500; end end if selected_stores.export_pep_data then local pep_node_list = sm.open(session.host, "pep"):get(session.username); if pep_node_list then for node_name in it.keys(pep_node_list) do table.insert(selected_stores.archive, "pep_"..node_name); end end end for store_name in it.values(selected_stores.archive) do local source_driver = get_config_driver(store_name, session.host); local source_archive = source_driver:open(store_name, "archive"); local dest_archive = xep227_driver:open_xep0227(store_name, "archive", user_xml); local count, errs = 0, 0; for id, item, when, with in source_archive:find(username) do local ok, err = dest_archive:append(username, id, item, when, with); if ok then count = count + 1; else module:log("warn", "Error: %s", err); errs = errs + 1; end if ( count + errs ) % 100 == 0 then module:log("info", "%d items migrated, %d errors", count, errs); end end end local xml_data = user_xml:get_user_xml(username, session.host); if not xml_data or not xml_data:find("host/user") then module:log("warn", "No data to export: %s", tostring(xml_data)); return 204; end event.response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/xml"; return [[]]..tostring(xml_data); end local function is_looking_like_xep227(xml_data) if not xml_data or xml_data.name ~= "server-data" or xml_data.attr.xmlns ~= "urn:xmpp:pie:0" then return false; end -- Looks like 227, but check it has at least one host + user element return not not xml_data:find("host/user"); end local function handle_import_227(event) local session = assert(event.session, "No session found"); local username = session.username; local input_xml_raw = event.request.body; local input_xml_parsed = xml.parse(input_xml_raw); -- Some sanity checks if not input_xml_parsed or not is_looking_like_xep227(input_xml_parsed) then module:log("warn", "No data to import"); return 422; end -- Set the host and username of the import to the new account's user/host input_xml_parsed:find("host").attr.jid = session.host; input_xml_parsed:find("host/user").attr.name = username; local user_xml = new_user_xml(session.username, session.host); user_xml:set_user_xml(username, session.host, input_xml_parsed); local xep227_driver = sm.load_driver(session.host, "xep0227"); local selected_stores = get_selected_stores(event.request.url.query); for _, store_name in ipairs(selected_stores.keyval) do -- Initialize the destination store (XEP-0227 backed) local store = xep227_driver:open_xep0227(store_name, nil, user_xml); -- Read the current data local data, err = store:get(username); if data ~= nil or not err then local target_store = sm.open(session.host, store_name); -- Transform the data and update user_xml (via the _set_user_xml callback) if not target_store:set(username, data == nil and {} or data) then return 500; end elseif err then return 500; end end if selected_stores.export_pep_data then local pep_store = xep227_driver:open_xep0277("pep", nil, user_xml); local pep_node_list = pep_store:get(session.username); if pep_node_list then for node_name in it.keys(pep_node_list) do table.insert(selected_stores.archive, "pep_"..node_name); end end end for store_name in it.values(selected_stores.archive) do local source_archive = xep227_driver:open_xep0227(store_name, "archive", user_xml); local dest_driver = get_config_driver(store_name, session.host); local dest_archive = dest_driver:open(store_name, "archive"); local count, errs = 0, 0; for id, item, when, with in source_archive:find(username) do local ok, err = dest_archive:append(username, id, item, when, with); if ok then count = count + 1; else module:log("warn", "Error: %s", err); errs = errs + 1; end if ( count + errs ) % 100 == 0 then module:log("info", "%d items migrated, %d errors", count, errs); end end end return 200; end --- local function check_credentials(request) local auth_type, auth_data = string.match(request.headers.authorization or "", "^(%S+)%s(.+)$"); if not (auth_type and auth_data) then return false; end if auth_type == "Bearer" then local token_info = tokens.get_token_info(auth_data); if not token_info or not token_info.session then return false; end return token_info.session; end return nil; end local function check_auth(routes) local function check_request_auth(event) local session = check_credentials(event.request); if not session then event.response.headers.authorization = ("Bearer realm=%q"):format(module.host.."/"..module.name); return false, 401; end event.session = session; return true; end for route, handler in pairs(routes) do routes[route] = function (event, ...) local permit, code = check_request_auth(event); if not permit then return code; end return handler(event, ...); end; end return routes; end module:provides("http", { route = check_auth { ["GET /export"] = handle_export_227; ["PUT /import"] = handle_import_227; }; });