module:set_global(); local audit_log_limit = module:get_option_number("audit_log_limit", 10000); local cleanup_after = module:get_option_string("audit_log_expires_after", "2w"); local time_now = os.time; local st = require "util.stanza"; local moduleapi = require "core.moduleapi"; local host_wide_user = "@"; local stores = {}; local function get_store(self, host) local store = rawget(self, host); if store then return store end store = module:context(host):open_store("audit", "archive"); rawset(self, host, store); return store; end setmetatable(stores, { __index = get_store }); local function session_extra(session) local attr = { xmlns = "", }; if then =; end if session.type then attr.type = session.type; end local stanza = st.stanza("session", attr); if session.ip then stanza:text_tag("remote-ip", session.ip); end if session.client_id then stanza:text_tag("client", session.client_id); end return stanza end local function audit(host, user, source, event_type, extra) if not host or host == "*" then error("cannot log audit events for global"); end local user_key = user or host_wide_user; local attr = { ["source"] = source, ["type"] = event_type, }; if user_key ~= host_wide_user then attr.user = user_key; end local stanza = st.stanza("audit-event", attr); if extra ~= nil then if extra.session then local child = session_extra(extra.session); if child then stanza:add_child(child); end end if extra.custom then for _, child in extra.custom do if not st.is_stanza(child) then error("all extra.custom items must be stanzas") end stanza:add_child(child); end end end local id, err = stores[host]:append(nil, nil, stanza, time_now(), user_key); if err then module:log("error", "failed to persist audit event: %s", err); return else module:log("debug", "persisted audit event %s as %s", stanza:top_tag(), id); end end function moduleapi.audit(module, user, event_type, extra) audit(, user, "mod_" .. module:get_name(), event_type, extra); end