local log = module._log; local params = module:get_option("default_mucs", {}); local jid_bare = require "util.jid".bare; local function set_affiliations(room, affiliations) for affiliation, jids in pairs(affiliations) do for i, jid in pairs(jids) do module:log("debug", "Setting affiliation %s for jid %s", affiliation, jid); room:set_affiliation(true, jid_bare(jid), affiliation); end end end local function configure_room(room, config) local should_save = false; if config.name ~= nil then should_save = room:set_name(config.name) or should_save; end if config.description ~= nil then should_save = room:set_description(config.description) or should_save; end if config.allow_member_invites ~= nil then should_save = room:set_allow_member_invites(config.allow_member_invites) or should_save; end if config.change_subject ~= nil then should_save = room:set_changesubject(config.change_subject) or should_save; end if config.history_length ~= nil then should_save = room:set_historylength(config.history_length) or should_save; end if config.lang ~= nil then should_save = room:set_language(config.lang) or should_save; end if config.members_only ~= nil then should_save = room:set_members_only(config.members_only) or should_save; end if config.moderated ~= nil then should_save = room:set_moderated(config.moderated) or should_save; end if config.persistent ~= nil then should_save = room:set_persistent(config.persistent) or should_save; end if config.public ~= nil then should_save = room:set_hidden(not config.public) or should_save; end if config.public_jids ~= nil then should_save = room:set_whois(config.public_jids and "anyone" or "moderators") or should_save; end if config.logging ~= room._data.logging then room._data.logging = config.logging; should_save = true; end if should_save then room:save(true); end end local i, room_data; for i, room_data in pairs(params) do local host = module.host; local room_jid = room_data.jid_node.."@"..host; local mod_muc = prosody.hosts[host].modules.muc; local room = mod_muc.get_room_from_jid(room_jid); if not room then module:log("debug", "Creating new room %s", room_jid); -- We don't pass in the config, so that the default config is set first. room = mod_muc.create_room(room_jid); else module:log("debug", "Configuring already existing room %s", room_jid); end configure_room(room, room_data.config); set_affiliations(room, room_data.affiliations); end