local array = require "util.array"; local jid = require "util.jid"; local json = require "util.json"; local st = require "util.stanza"; local xml = require "util.xml"; local simple_types = { -- basic message body = "text_tag", subject = "text_tag", thread = "text_tag", -- basic presence show = "text_tag", status = "text_tag", priority = "text_tag", state = {"name", "http://jabber.org/protocol/chatstates"}, nick = {"text_tag", "http://jabber.org/protocol/nick", "nick"}, delay = {"attr", "urn:xmpp:delay", "delay", "stamp"}, replace = {"attr", "urn:xmpp:message-correct:0", "replace", "id"}, -- XEP-0045 MUC -- TODO history, password, ??? join = {"bool_tag", "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc", "x"}, -- XEP-0071 html = { "func", "http://jabber.org/protocol/xhtml-im", "html", function (s) --> json string return (tostring(s:get_child("body", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml")):gsub(" xmlns='[^']*'","", 1)); end; function (s) --> xml if type(s) == "string" then return assert(xml.parse([[]]..s..[[]])); end end; }; -- XEP-0199: XMPP Ping ping = {"bool_tag", "urn:xmpp:ping", "ping"}, -- XEP-0092: Software Version version = {"func", "jabber:iq:version", "query", function (s) return { name = s:get_child_text("name"); version = s:get_child_text("version"); os = s:get_child_text("os"); } end, function (s) local v = st.stanza("query", { xmlns = "jabber:iq:version" }); if type(s) == "table" then v:text_tag("name", s.name); v:text_tag("version", s.version); if s.os then v:text_tag("os", s.os); end end return v; end }; -- XEP-0030 disco = { "func", "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info", "query", function (s) --> array of features local identities, features = array(), array(); for tag in s:childtags() do if tag.name == "identity" and tag.attr.category and tag.attr.type then identities:push({ category = tag.attr.category, type = tag.attr.type, name = tag.attr.name }); elseif tag.name == "feature" and tag.attr.var then features:push(tag.attr.var); end end return { node = s.attr.node, identities = identities, features = features, }; end; function (s) if type(s) == "table" and s ~= json.null then local disco = st.stanza("query", { xmlns = "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info", node = s.node }); if s.identities then for _, identity in ipairs(s.identities) do disco:tag("identity", { category = identity.category, type = identity.type, name = identity.name }):up(); end end if s.features then for _, feature in ipairs(s.features) do disco:tag("feature", { var = feature }):up(); end end return disco; else return st.stanza("query", { xmlns = "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info", }); end end; }; items = { "func", "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items", "query", function (s) --> array of features local items = array(); for item in s:childtags("item") do items:push({ jid = item.attr.jid, node = item.attr.node, name = item.attr.name }); end return items; end; function (s) local disco = st.stanza("query", { xmlns = "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items" }); if type(s) == "table" and s ~= json.null then for _, item in ipairs(s) do if type(item) == "string" then disco:tag("item", { jid = item }); elseif type(item) == "table" then disco:tag("item", { jid = item.jid, node = item.node, name = item.name }); end end end return disco; end; }; -- XEP-0066: Out of Band Data oob_url = {"func", "jabber:iq:oob", "query", function (s) return s:get_child_text("url"); end; function (s) if type(s) == "string" then return st.stanza("query", { xmlns = "jabber:iq:oob" }):text_tag("url", s); end end; }; -- XEP-XXXX: User-defined Data Transfer payload = {"func", "urn:xmpp:udt:0", "payload", function (s) local rawjson = s:get_child_text("json", "urn:xmpp:json:0"); if not rawjson then return nil, "missing-json-payload"; end local parsed, err = json.decode(rawjson); if not parsed then return nil, err; end return { datatype = s.attr.datatype; data = parsed; }; end; function (s) if type(s) == "table" then return st.stanza("payload", { xmlns = "urn:xmpp:udt:0", datatype = s.datatype }) :tag("json", { xmlns = "urn:xmpp:json:0" }):text(json.encode(s.data)); end; end }; }; local implied_kinds = { disco = "iq", items = "iq", ping = "iq", version = "iq", body = "message", html = "message", replace = "message", state = "message", subject = "message", thread = "message", join = "presence", priority = "presence", show = "presence", status = "presence", } local kind_by_type = { get = "iq", set = "iq", result = "iq", normal = "message", chat = "message", headline = "message", groupchat = "message", available = "presence", unavailable = "presence", subscribe = "presence", unsubscribe = "presence", subscribed = "presence", unsubscribed = "presence", } local function st2json(s) local t = { kind = s.name, type = s.attr.type, to = s.attr.to, from = s.attr.from, id = s.attr.id, }; if s.name == "presence" and not s.attr.type then t.type = "available"; end if t.to then t.to = jid.prep(t.to); if not t.to then return nil, "invalid-jid-to"; end end if t.from then t.from = jid.prep(t.from); if not t.from then return nil, "invalid-jid-from"; end end if t.type == "error" then local error = s:get_child("error"); local err_typ, err_condition, err_text = s:get_error(); t.error = { type = err_typ, condition = err_condition, text = err_text, by = error.attr.by, }; return t; end for k, typ in pairs(simple_types) do if typ == "text_tag" then t[k] = s:get_child_text(k); elseif typ[1] == "text_tag" then t[k] = s:get_child_text(typ[3], typ[2]); elseif typ[1] == "name" then local child = s:get_child(nil, typ[2]); if child then t[k] = child.name; end elseif typ[1] == "attr" then local child = s:get_child(typ[3], typ[2]) if child then t[k] = child.attr[typ[4]]; end elseif typ[1] == "bool_tag" then if s:get_child(typ[3], typ[2]) then t[k] = true; end elseif typ[1] == "func" then local child = s:get_child(typ[3], typ[2] or k); -- TODO handle err if child then t[k] = typ[4](child); end end end return t; end local function str(s) if type(s) == "string" then return s; end end local function json2st(t) if type(t) ~= "table" or not str(next(t)) then return nil, "invalid-json"; end local kind = str(t.kind) or kind_by_type[str(t.type)]; if not kind then for k, implied in pairs(implied_kinds) do if t[k] then kind = implied; break end end end local s = st.stanza(kind or "message", { type = t.type ~= "available" and str(t.type) or nil, to = str(t.to) and jid.prep(t.to); from = str(t.to) and jid.prep(t.from); id = str(t.id), }); if t.to and not s.attr.to then return nil, "invalid-jid-to"; end if t.from and not s.attr.from then return nil, "invalid-jid-from"; end if kind == "iq" and not s.attr.type then s.attr.type = "get"; end if type(t.error) == "table" then return st.error_reply(st.reply(s), str(t.error.type), str(t.error.condition), str(t.error.text), str(t.error.by)); elseif t.type == "error" then s:text_tag("error", t.body, { code = t.error_code and tostring(t.error_code) }); return s; end for k, v in pairs(t) do local typ = simple_types[k]; if typ then if typ == "text_tag" then s:text_tag(k, v); elseif typ[1] == "text_tag" then s:text_tag(typ[3] or k, v, typ[2] and { xmlns = typ[2] }); elseif typ[1] == "name" then s:tag(v, { xmlns = typ[2] }):up(); elseif typ[1] == "attr" then s:tag(typ[3] or k, { xmlns = typ[2], [ typ[4] or k ] = v }):up(); elseif typ[1] == "bool_tag" then s:tag(typ[3] or k, { xmlns = typ[2] }):up(); elseif typ[1] == "func" then s:add_child(typ[5](v)):up(); end end end s:reset(); return s; end return { st2json = st2json; json2st = json2st; };