local _M = {}; local api_demo = module:get_option_path("rest_demo_resources", nil); local http_files = require "net.http.files"; local mime_map = module:shared("/*/http_files/mime").types or {css = "text/css"; js = "application/javascript"}; _M.resources = http_files.serve({ path = api_demo; mime_map = mime_map; }); local index do local f, err = io.open(api_demo.."/index.html"); if not f then module:log("error", "Could not open resource: %s", err); module:log("error", "'rest_demo_resources' should point to the 'dist' directory"); return _M end index = f:read("*a"); f:close(); -- SUCH HACK, VERY GSUB, WOW! index = index:gsub("(%s?url%s*:%s*)%b\"\"", string.format("%%1%q", module:http_url().."/demo/openapi.yaml"), 1); index = index:gsub("(%s*SwaggerUIBundle%s*%(%s*{)(%s*)", "%1%2validatorUrl: false,%2"); end do local f = module:load_resource("res/openapi.yaml"); _M.schema = { headers = { content_type = "text/x-yaml"; }; body = f:read("*a"); } f:close(); end _M.redirect = { status_code = 303; headers = { location = module:http_url().."/demo/"; }; }; _M.main_page = { headers = { content_type = "text/html"; content_security_policy = "default-src 'self' data:; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; frame-ancestors 'none'"; }; body = index; } return _M