local mod_muc = module:depends("muc") local http = require "net.http" local st = require "util.stanza" local json = require "util.json" local url_pattern = [[https://twitter.com/%S+/status/%S+]] local xmlns_fasten = "urn:xmpp:fasten:0" local xmlns_xhtml = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" local twitter_apiv2_bearer_token = module:get_option_string("twitter_apiv2_bearer_token"); local function fetch_tweet_data(room, url, tweet_id, origin_id) if not url then return; end local options = { method = "GET"; headers = { Authorization = "Bearer "..twitter_apiv2_bearer_token; }; }; http.request( 'https://api.twitter.com/2/tweets/'..tweet_id..'?expansions=author_id&tweet.fields=created_at,text&user.fields=id,name,username,profile_image_url', options, function(response_body, response_code, _) if response_code ~= 200 then module:log("debug", "Call to %s returned code %s and body %s", url, response_code, response_body) return; end local response = json.decode(response_body); if not response then return; end if not response['data'] or not response['includes'] then return; end local tweet = response['data']; local author = response['includes']['users'][1]; local to = room.jid local from = room and room.jid or module.host local fastening = st.message({to = to, from = from, type = 'groupchat'}):tag("apply-to", {xmlns = xmlns_fasten, id = origin_id}) fastening:tag( "meta", { xmlns = xmlns_xhtml, property = 'og:article:author', content = author['username'] } ):up() fastening:tag( "meta", { xmlns = xmlns_xhtml, property = 'og:article:published_time', content = tweet['created_at'] } ):up() fastening:tag( "meta", { xmlns = xmlns_xhtml, property = 'og:description', content = tweet['text'] } ):up() fastening:tag( "meta", { xmlns = xmlns_xhtml, property = 'og:image', content = author['profile_image_url'] } ):up() fastening:tag( "meta", { xmlns = xmlns_xhtml, property = 'og:title', content = author['username'] } ):up() fastening:tag( "meta", { xmlns = xmlns_xhtml, property = 'og:type', content = 'tweet' } ):up() fastening:tag( "meta", { xmlns = xmlns_xhtml, property = 'og:url', content = 'https://twitter.com/'..author['username']..'/status/'..tweet['id'] } ):up() mod_muc.get_room_from_jid(room.jid):broadcast_message(fastening) module:log("debug", tostring(fastening)) end ) end local function tweet_handler(event) local room, stanza = event.room, st.clone(event.stanza) local body = stanza:get_child_text("body") if not body then return; end local origin_id = stanza:find("{urn:xmpp:sid:0}origin-id@id") if not origin_id then return; end for url in body:gmatch(url_pattern) do local _, _, _, tweet_id = string.find(url, "https://twitter.com/(%S+)/status/(%S+)"); fetch_tweet_data(room, url, tweet_id, origin_id); end end module:hook("muc-occupant-groupchat", tweet_handler) module:hook("muc-message-is-historic", function (event) local fastening = event.stanza:get_child('apply-to', xmlns_fasten) if fastening and fastening:get_child('meta', xmlns_xhtml) then return true end end);