local st = require "util.stanza"; local jid_bare = require "util.jid".bare; local jid_split = require "util.jid".split; local xmlns_carbons = "urn:xmpp:carbons:1"; local xmlns_forward = "urn:xmpp:forward:0"; local host_sessions = hosts[module.host].sessions; -- TODO merge message handlers into one somehow module:hook("iq/self/"..xmlns_carbons..":enable", function(event) local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza; if stanza.attr.type == "set" then module:log("debug", "%s enabled carbons", origin.full_jid); origin.want_carbons = true; origin.send(st.reply(stanza)); return true end end); module:hook("iq/self/"..xmlns_carbons..":disable", function(event) local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza; if stanza.attr.type == "set" then module:log("debug", "%s disabled carbons", origin.full_jid); origin.want_carbons = nil; origin.send(st.reply(stanza)); return true end end); function c2s_message_handler(event) local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza; local orig_type = stanza.attr.type; local orig_to = stanza.attr.to; if not (orig_type == nil or orig_type == "normal" or orig_type == "chat") then return end local bare_jid, user_sessions; if origin.type == "s2s" then bare_jid = jid_bare(stanza.attr.from); user_sessions = host_sessions[jid_split(orig_to)]; else bare_jid = (origin.username.."@"..origin.host) user_sessions = host_sessions[origin.username]; end if not stanza:get_child("private", xmlns_carbons) and not stanza:get_child("forwarded", xmlns_forward) then user_sessions = user_sessions and user_sessions.sessions; for resource, session in pairs(user_sessions) do local full_jid = bare_jid .. "/" .. resource; if session ~= origin and session.want_carbons then local msg = st.clone(stanza); msg.attr.xmlns = msg.attr.xmlns or "jabber:client"; local fwd = st.message{ from = bare_jid, to = full_jid, type = orig_type, } :tag("forwarded", { xmlns = xmlns_forward }) :tag("received", { xmlns = xmlns_carbons }):up() :add_child(msg); core_route_stanza(origin, fwd); end end end end function s2c_message_handler(event) local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza; local orig_type = stanza.attr.type; local orig_to = stanza.attr.to; if not (orig_type == nil or orig_type == "normal" or orig_type == "chat") then return end local full_jid, bare_jid = orig_to, jid_bare(orig_to); local username, hostname, resource = jid_split(full_jid); local user_sessions = username and host_sessions[username]; if not user_sessions or hostname ~= module.host then return end local no_carbon_to = {}; if resource then no_carbon_to[resource] = true; else local top_resources = user_sessions.top_resources; for i=1,top_resources do no_carbon_to[top_resources[i]] = true; end end if not stanza:get_child("private", xmlns_carbons) and not stanza:get_child("forwarded", xmlns_forward) then user_sessions = user_sessions and user_sessions.sessions; for resource, session in pairs(user_sessions) do local full_jid = bare_jid .. "/" .. resource; if not no_carbon_to[resource] and session.want_carbons then local msg = st.clone(stanza); msg.attr.xmlns = msg.attr.xmlns or "jabber:client"; local fwd = st.message{ from = bare_jid, to = full_jid, type = orig_type, } :tag("forwarded", { xmlns = xmlns_forward }) :tag("received", { xmlns = xmlns_carbons }):up() :add_child(msg); core_route_stanza(origin, fwd); end end end end -- Stanzas sent by local clients module:hook("pre-message/bare", c2s_message_handler, 1); module:hook("pre-message/full", c2s_message_handler, 1); -- Stanszas to local clients module:hook("message/bare", s2c_message_handler, 1); -- this will suck module:hook("message/full", s2c_message_handler, 1); module:add_feature(xmlns_carbons);