local st = require "util.stanza"; local uuid = require "util.uuid"; local mt = require "util.multitable"; local cache = require "util.cache"; local xmlns_pubsub = "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub"; local xmlns_pubsub_event = "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event"; -- TODO persist -- TODO query known pubsub nodes to sync current subscriptions -- TODO subscription ids per 'item' would be handy local pending_subscription = cache.new(256); -- uuid → node local pending_unsubscription = cache.new(256); -- uuid → node local active_subscriptions = mt.new() -- service | node | subscriber | uuid | { item } function module.save() return { active_subscriptions = active_subscriptions.data } end function module.restore(data) if data and data.active_subscriptions then active_subscriptions.data = data.active_subscriptions end end local valid_events = {"subscribed"; "unsubscribed"; "error"; "item"; "retract"; "purge"; "delete"} local function subscription_added(item_event) local item = item_event.item; assert(item.service, "pubsub subscription item MUST have a 'service' field."); assert(item.node, "pubsub subscription item MUST have a 'node' field."); item.from = item.from or module.host; local already_subscibed = false; for _ in active_subscriptions:iter(item.service, item.node, item.from, nil) do -- luacheck: ignore 512 already_subscibed = true; break end item._id = uuid.generate(); local iq_id = uuid.generate(); pending_subscription:set(iq_id, item._id); active_subscriptions:set(item.service, item.node, item.from, item._id, item); if not already_subscibed then module:send(st.iq({ type = "set", id = iq_id, from = item.from, to = item.service }) :tag("pubsub", { xmlns = xmlns_pubsub }) :tag("subscribe", { jid = item.from, node = item.node })); end end for _, event_name in ipairs(valid_events) do module:hook("pubsub-event/host/"..event_name, function (event) for _, _, _, _, _, cb in active_subscriptions:iter(event.service, event.node, event.stanza.attr.to, nil, "on_"..event_name) do pcall(cb, event); end end); module:hook("pubsub-event/bare/"..event_name, function (event) for _, _, _, _, _, cb in active_subscriptions:iter(event.service, event.node, event.stanza.attr.to, nil, "on_"..event_name) do pcall(cb, event); end end); end function handle_iq(context, event) local stanza = event.stanza; local service = stanza.attr.from; if not stanza.attr.id then return end -- shouldn't be possible local subscribed_node = pending_subscription:get(stanza.attr.id); pending_subscription:set(stanza.attr.id, nil); local unsubscribed_node = pending_unsubscription:get(stanza.attr.id); pending_unsubscription:set(stanza.attr.id, nil); if stanza.attr.type == "result" then local pubsub_wrapper = stanza:get_child("pubsub", xmlns_pubsub); local subscription = pubsub_wrapper and pubsub_wrapper:get_child("subscription"); if not subscription then return end local node = subscription.attr.node; local what; if subscription.attr.subscription == "subscribed" then what = "on_subscribed"; elseif subscription.attr.subscription == "none" then what = "on_unsubscribed"; end if not what then return end -- there are other states but we don't handle them for _, _, _, _, _, cb in active_subscriptions:iter(service, node, stanza.attr.to, nil, what) do cb(event); end return true; elseif stanza.attr.type == "error" then local node = subscribed_node or unsubscribed_node; local error_type, error_condition, reason, pubsub_error = stanza:get_error(); local err = { type = error_type, condition = error_condition, text = reason, extra = pubsub_error }; if active_subscriptions:get(service) then for _, _, _, _, _, cb in active_subscriptions:iter(service, node, stanza.attr.to, nil, "on_error") do cb(err); end return true; end end end module:hook("iq/host", function (event) handle_iq("host", event); end, 1); module:hook("iq/bare", function (event) handle_iq("bare", event); end, 1); local function subscription_removed(item_event) local item = item_event.item; active_subscriptions:set(item.service, item.node, item.from, item._id, nil); local node_subs = active_subscriptions:get(item.service, item.node, item.from); if node_subs and next(node_subs) then return end local iq_id = uuid.generate(); pending_unsubscription:set(iq_id, item._id); module:send(st.iq({ type = "set", id = iq_id, from = item.from, to = item.service }) :tag("pubsub", { xmlns = xmlns_pubsub }) :tag("unsubscribe", { jid = item.from, node = item.node })) end module:handle_items("pubsub-subscription", subscription_added, subscription_removed, true); function handle_message(context, event) local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza; local ret = nil; local service = stanza.attr.from; module:log("debug", "Got message/%s: %s", context, stanza:top_tag()); for event_container in stanza:childtags("event", xmlns_pubsub_event) do for pubsub_event in event_container:childtags() do module:log("debug", "Got pubsub event %s", pubsub_event:top_tag()); local node = pubsub_event.attr.node; module:fire_event("pubsub-event/" .. context .. "/"..pubsub_event.name, { stanza = stanza; origin = origin; event = pubsub_event; service = service; node = node; }); ret = true; end end return ret; end module:hook("message/host", function(event) return handle_message("host", event); end); module:hook("message/bare", function(event) return handle_message("bare", event); end); function handle_items(context, event) for item in event.event:childtags() do module:log("debug", "Got pubsub item event %s", item:top_tag()); event.item = item; event.payload = item.tags[1]; module:fire_event("pubsub-event/" .. context .. "/"..item.name, event); end end module:hook("pubsub-event/host/items", function (event) handle_items("host", event); end); module:hook("pubsub-event/bare/items", function (event) handle_items("bare", event); end);