view sat/plugins/ @ 3028:ab2696e34d29

Python 3 port: /!\ this is a huge commit /!\ starting from this commit, SàT is needs Python 3.6+ /!\ SàT maybe be instable or some feature may not work anymore, this will improve with time This patch port backend, bridge and frontends to Python 3. Roughly this has been done this way: - 2to3 tools has been applied (with python 3.7) - all references to python2 have been replaced with python3 (notably shebangs) - fixed files not handled by 2to3 (notably the shell script) - several manual fixes - fixed issues reported by Python 3 that where not handled in Python 2 - replaced "async" with "async_" when needed (it's a reserved word from Python 3.7) - replaced zope's "implements" with @implementer decorator - temporary hack to handle data pickled in database, as str or bytes may be returned, to be checked later - fixed hash comparison for password - removed some code which is not needed anymore with Python 3 - deactivated some code which needs to be checked (notably certificate validation) - tested with jp, fixed reported issues until some basic commands worked - ported Primitivus (after porting dependencies like urwid satext) - more manual fixes
author Goffi <>
date Tue, 13 Aug 2019 19:08:41 +0200
parents 3cac3d050046
children e75024e41f81
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# SAT plugin for file tansfer
# Copyright (C) 2009-2019 Jérôme Poisson (

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from sat.core.i18n import _, D_
from sat.core.constants import Const as C
from sat.core.log import getLogger

log = getLogger(__name__)
from sat.core import exceptions
from import xml_tools
from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted.words.protocols.jabber import jid
from twisted.words.protocols.jabber import error as jabber_error
import os
import os.path

    C.PI_NAME: "File Upload",
    C.PI_MAIN: "UploadPlugin",
    C.PI_HANDLER: "no",
    C.PI_DESCRIPTION: _("""File upload management"""),

UPLOADING = D_("Please select a file to upload")
UPLOADING_TITLE = D_("File upload")
BOOL_OPTIONS = ("ignore_tls_errors",)

class UploadPlugin(object):
    # TODO: plugin unload

    def __init__(self, host):"plugin Upload initialization")) = host
        self._upload_callbacks = []

    def _fileUpload(
        self, filepath, filename, upload_jid_s="", options=None, profile=C.PROF_KEY_NONE
        client =
        upload_jid = jid.JID(upload_jid_s) if upload_jid_s else None
        if options is None:
            options = {}
        # we convert values that are well-known booleans
        for bool_option in BOOL_OPTIONS:
                options[bool_option] = C.bool(options[bool_option])
            except KeyError:

        return self.fileUpload(
            client, filepath, filename or None, upload_jid, options or None

    def fileUpload(self, client, filepath, filename, upload_jid, options):
        """Send a file using best available method

        parameters are the same as for [upload]
        @return (dict): action dictionary, with progress id in case of success, else xmlui

        def uploadCb(data):
            progress_id, __ = data
            return {"progress": progress_id}

        def uploadEb(fail):
            if (isinstance(fail.value, jabber_error.StanzaError)
                and fail.value.condition == 'not-acceptable'):
                reason = fail.value.text
                reason = str(fail.value)
            msg = D_("Can't upload file: {reason}").format(reason=reason)
            return {
                "xmlui": xml_tools.note(
                    msg, D_("Can't upload file"), C.XMLUI_DATA_LVL_WARNING

        d = self.upload(client, filepath, filename, upload_jid, options)
        return d

    def upload(self, client, filepath, filename=None, upload_jid=None, options=None):
        """Send a file using best available method

        @param filepath(str): absolute path to the file
        @param filename(None, unicode): name to use for the upload
            None to use basename of the path
        @param upload_jid(jid.JID, None): upload capable entity jid,
            or None to use autodetected, if possible
        @param options(dict): option to use for the upload, may be:
            - ignore_tls_errors(bool): True to ignore SSL/TLS certificate verification
                used only if HTTPS transport is needed
        @param profile: %(doc_profile)s
        @return (tuple[unicode,D(unicode)]): progress_id and a Deferred which fire
            download URL when upload is finished
        if options is None:
            options = {}
        if not os.path.isfile(filepath):
            raise exceptions.DataError("The given path doesn't link to a file")
        for method_name, available_cb, upload_cb, priority in self._upload_callbacks:
                upload_jid = yield available_cb(upload_jid, client.profile)
            except exceptions.NotFound:
                continue  # no entity managing this extension found

                "{name} method will be used to upload the file".format(name=method_name)
            progress_id_d, download_d = yield upload_cb(
                filepath, filename, upload_jid, options, client.profile
            progress_id = yield progress_id_d
            defer.returnValue((progress_id, download_d))

        raise exceptions.NotFound("Can't find any method to upload a file")

    def register(self, method_name, available_cb, upload_cb, priority=0):
        """Register a fileUploading method

        @param method_name(unicode): short name for the method, must be unique
        @param available_cb(callable): method to call to check if this method is usable
           the callback must take two arguments: upload_jid (can be None) and profile
           the callback must return the first entity found (being upload_jid or one of its
           exceptions.NotFound must be raised if no entity has been found
        @param upload_cb(callable): method to upload a file
            must have the same signature as [fileUpload]
            must return a tuple with progress_id and a Deferred which fire download URL
            when upload is finished
        @param priority(int): pririoty of this method, the higher available will be used
        assert method_name
        for data in self._upload_callbacks:
            if method_name == data[0]:
                raise exceptions.ConflictError(
                    "A method with this name is already registered"
        self._upload_callbacks.append((method_name, available_cb, upload_cb, priority))
        self._upload_callbacks.sort(key=lambda data: data[3], reverse=True)

    def unregister(self, method_name):
        for idx, data in enumerate(self._upload_callbacks):
            if data[0] == method_name:
                del [idx]
        raise exceptions.NotFound("The name to unregister doesn't exist")