view docker/base/Dockerfile @ 134:4549cf265131

flatpak: install D-Bus .service on each frontend: work around lack of dependency handling in Flatpak by installing D-Bus .service on each frontend. This works because all backend is included in the runtime, but we have to add backend permissions to all frontend, and set --own-name=org.salutatoi.SAT. Furthermore, if one frontend is removed, the symbolic link is removed and the backend will not be launched automatically anymore, even if other frontends are still there. The benefict of this method is that backend has not to be installed manually to use a frontend.
author Goffi <>
date Sun, 15 Jul 2018 16:56:55 +0200
parents 5d2eb2f61dc8
line wrap: on
line source

#                                                             #
#                      Salut à Toi/base                       #
#     This Dockerfile build a « Salut à Toi » base image      #
# Salut à Toi is a multi-frontends multi-purposes XMPP client #
#                                                             #

FROM debian:jessie


# BASE #

ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive

## Helping scripts ##
# Following scripts make the configuration as automatic and easy as possible
COPY scripts/set_account_domain scripts/sat scripts/add_host scripts/dbus_wrap scripts/prosodyctl /usr/local/bin/

RUN chown root:root /usr/local/bin/set_account_domain && \
chmod 0555 /usr/local/bin/set_account_domain && \
chown root:root /usr/local/bin/sat && \
chmod 0500 /usr/local/bin/sat && \
chown root:root /usr/local/bin/add_host && \
chmod 0555 /usr/local/bin/add_host && \
chown root:root /usr/local/bin/prosodyctl && \
chmod 0555 /usr/local/bin/prosodyctl && \
chown root:root /usr/local/bin/dbus_wrap && \
chmod 0555 /usr/local/bin/dbus_wrap && \

# it's better to have a dedicated user
useradd -m sat && \

# will be used to put many SàT specific data
mkdir -p /usr/share/sat && \
mkdir /usr/share/sat/certificates && \
addgroup tls-cert --gid 9999 && \
chown :tls-cert /usr/share/sat/certificates && \
chmod 2770 /usr/share/sat/certificates && \
adduser sat tls-cert

RUN apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends locales dbus-x11 python python-gobject-2 python-dbus python-lxml python-mutagen python-pil python-crypto python-feed python-potr python-xdg python-xe python-zope.interface python-gi python-urwid python-markdown python-html2text mercurial python-pip python-openssl python-service-identity gcc python-dev && \

# we install Twisted from pip as Jessie version is too old
pip install twisted wokkel pyOpenSSL && \

# we remove stuff only needed to build Twisted
# and clean what we can
apt-get purge -y gcc python-dev && \
apt-get autoremove -y && apt-get clean && \

# dokuwiki module is needed for the blog importer
pip install dokuwiki && \

# we need a TCP socket for D-Bus
sed -i "s&<listen>unix:tmpdir=/tmp</listen>&\0\n  <listen>tcp:host=localhost,bind=*,port=55555,family=ipv4</listen>\n  <auth>ANONYMOUS</auth>\n  <allow_anonymous/>&" /etc/dbus-1/session.conf && \

# we need UTF-8 locale
sed -i "s/# en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/" /etc/locale.gen && locale-gen



RUN cd /tmp && \

hg clone && cd urwid-satext && \
python install --prefix /usr --install-lib /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages && \
cd /tmp && rm -rf urwid-satext && \


hg clone && cd sat && \
python install --prefix /usr --install-lib /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages && \
# we save repository data so SàT can get repository version
# TODO: should be done in in the future
python -c 'from import utils;utils.getRepositoryData("/tmp/sat", is_path=True, save_dir_path="/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sat")' && \
cd /tmp && rm -rf sat && \


# we want .pid files in /tmp so they are removed if container are deleted
echo '[DEFAULT]\npid_dir=/tmp\n\n\
# we auto-create libervia account if it doesn't exists in Libervia container
# so we remove it from reserved_list in plugin account
[plugin account]\nreserved_list=' >> /etc/sat.conf && \

# we create a sat.conf in sat user's XDG directory
# else it would be created by set_account_domain with root only permissions
mkdir -p /home/sat/.config/sat && touch /home/sat/.config/sat/sat.conf && \
chown -R sat:sat /home/sat/.config && chmod 0700 /home/sat/.config/sat && \
chmod 0600 /home/sat/.config/sat/sat.conf


WORKDIR /home/sat

ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash"]