changeset 51:c34633e3f56a

add a script to semi-automatically update garradin database (work in progress)
author souliane <>
date Mon, 28 Sep 2015 11:16:23 +0200 (2015-09-28)
parents fe116a11199b
children 4d924e65a4ba
files scripts/association/
diffstat 1 files changed, 795 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/scripts/association/	Mon Sep 28 11:16:23 2015 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,795 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Scripts to update Garradin database from various CSV inputs.
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Adrien Cossa <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+import sqlite3
+import csv, unicodecsv
+import os
+import os.path
+import tempfile
+from glob import glob
+from time import strftime
+from datetime import datetime
+from collections import OrderedDict
+DB_FILE = u"./association.sqlite"
+INPUT_PATH = u"../../../sat_private"
+APAYER_FILES = (u"apayer", u"SALUT-A-TOI_*.csv")
+CM_FILES = (u"credit_mutuel/dernieres_operations", "*_*.csv")
+DJANGO_FILES = (u"django", u"sat_website_subscriptions.csv")
+def dirtyGetDateOfFile(path):
+    """Extract the date at the end of the filename, just before the extension.
+    @return: datetime
+    """
+    # FIXME: there should be a better way to do that
+    token = os.path.basename(path)[-12:-4]
+    return datetime.strptime(token, "%Y%m%d")
+### DATE AND TIME ###
+DATE_ORIGIN = u"1970-01-01"
+DATE_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d"
+TODAY = strftime(DATE_FORMAT)
+class GarradinDB(object):
+    TABLES = ("membres", "cotisations", "cotisations_membres")
+    def __init__(self, cursor):
+        self.cursor = cursor
+    def getTableInfos(self):
+        infos = {}
+        for table in self.TABLES:
+            cursor.execute("PRAGMA table_info(%s)" % table)
+            rows = cursor.fetchall()
+            infos[table] = OrderedDict()
+            for row in rows:
+                # don't use {row[1]: row[2]...} : it messes the order
+                infos[table][row[1]] = row[2]  # field name: field type
+        return infos
+    def getLastAutoUpdate(self):
+        """Get the datetime of the last database automatic update.
+        @return: datetime
+        """
+        self.cursor.execute("SELECT valeur FROM config WHERE cle='last_auto_update'")
+        row = self.cursor.fetchone()
+        try:
+            date = row[0]
+        except TypeError:
+            date = DATE_ORIGIN
+        return datetime.strptime(date, DATE_FORMAT)
+    def setLastAutoUpdate(self, date=TODAY):
+        """Set to date of the last database automatic update to today."""
+        self.cursor.execute("REPLACE INTO config VALUES ('last_auto_update', ?)", (date,))
+con = sqlite3.connect(DB_FILE)
+with con:
+    cursor = con.cursor()
+    db = GarradinDB(cursor)
+    TABLE_INFOS = db.getTableInfos()
+    LAST_AUTO_UPDATE = db.getLastAutoUpdate()
+### LOGGERS ###
+class Logger(object):
+    def __init__(self, path):
+        if not os.path.isdir(path):
+            os.mkdir(path)
+        basename = "update_garradin_{day}_%s.log".format(day=strftime("%Y%m%d"))
+        self.info_file = os.path.join(path, basename % "info")
+        self.warning_file = os.path.join(path, basename % "warning")
+    def write(self, file, msg):
+        with open(file, 'a') as file:
+            file.write((u"[%s] %s\n" % (strftime("%d/%m/%Y@%H:%m:%S"), msg)).encode("utf-8"))
+    def info(self, msg):
+        self.write(self.info_file, msg)
+        if INFO in LOG_LEVELS:
+            print msg
+    def warning(self, msg):
+        self.write(self.warning_file, msg)
+        if WARNING in LOG_LEVELS:
+            print msg
+logger = Logger(LOG_PATH)
+# FIXME: Python CSV doesn't handle CSV file starting with a BOM
+class my_dialect(csv.excel):
+    """Describe my properties for CSV files."""
+    delimiter = ';'
+csv.register_dialect("my_dialect", my_dialect)
+class Entry(OrderedDict):
+    TYPE_TEXT = u"TEXT"
+    ID_UNIQUE_KEYS = ("FIELD_NAME", "FIELD_SURNAME", "FIELD_EMAIL")  # define unique members
+    ID_EQUAL_KEYS = ID_UNIQUE_KEYS  # define equality, not even needed to update the database
+    FIELD_NAME = u"prenom"
+    FIELD_SURNAME = u"nom"
+    FIELD_EMAIL = u"email"
+    MATCH_NONE = 0
+    MATCH_EQUAL = 3
+    matched = MATCH_NONE
+    def __init__(self, entry):
+        """
+        @param entry(dict or row): entry data
+        """
+        if isinstance(entry, dict):
+            data = OrderedDict({key: value for key, value in entry.iteritems() if key in self.FIELDS})
+            if hasattr(entry, "identityDict"):
+                data.update(entry.identityDict(self))
+        else:
+            data = self.row2dict(entry)
+        OrderedDict.__init__(self, data)
+    def __iter__(self):
+        # XXX: use the order of self.FIELDS and ignore OrderedDict internal order
+        for field in self.FIELDS:
+            if field in self:
+                yield field
+    def row2dict(self, row):
+        """Return a dict representation of a row.
+        @param row (list[unicode]): a row of information
+        @return: OrderedDict {unicode: unicode} with:
+            - key: field name
+            - value: field value
+        """
+        data = OrderedDict()
+        index = 0
+        for field in self.FIELDS:
+            if row[index]:
+                data[field] = row[index]
+            index += 1
+        return data
+    def identityDict(self, cls=None):
+        """Return a dict representing a user identity.
+        @param cls (class): if specified, the result dict will use cls's
+            identity fields for its own keys (instead of self's fields).
+        @return: dict{unicode: unicode}
+        """
+        if cls is None:
+            cls = self
+        return {getattr(cls, key): self[getattr(self, key)] for key in self.ID_EQUAL_KEYS}
+    def identityMatches(self, entry):
+        """Return a dict compiling the identity matches with another entry.
+        @param entry (Entry): another entry
+        @return: dict{unicode: bool}
+        """
+        return {key: self[getattr(self, key)] == entry[getattr(entry, key)] for key in self.ID_EQUAL_KEYS}
+    def identityMatch(self, entry):
+        """Return a value representing the matching level with another entry.
+        @param entry (Entry): another entry
+        @return: int in (Entry.MATCH_NONE, Entry.MATCH_INCOMPLETE, Entry.MATCH_UNIQUE, Entry.MATCH_EQUAL)
+        """
+        matches = self.identityMatches(entry)
+        if len([match for match in matches.values() if not match]) == 0:
+            return self.MATCH_EQUAL
+        match_name = matches["FIELD_NAME"] and matches["FIELD_SURNAME"]
+        if match_name and matches["FIELD_EMAIL"]:
+            return self.MATCH_UNIQUE
+        if match_name or matches["FIELD_EMAIL"]:
+            return self.MATCH_INCOMPLETE
+        return self.MATCH_NONE
+    def identityToString(self):
+        """Return a human-readable string representing a user identity.
+        @return: unicode
+        """
+        return "%s %s <%s>" % (self[self.FIELD_NAME], self[self.FIELD_SURNAME], self[self.FIELD_EMAIL])
+    def valuesToString(self):
+        """List the values.
+        @return: unicode
+        """
+        return u", ".join(self.values())
+    def fields(self):
+        """List the fields to which a value is associated.
+        @return: list[unicode]
+        """
+        return [field for field in self.FIELDS if field in self]
+    def fieldsToString(self):
+        """List the fields to which a value is associated.
+        @return: unicode
+        """
+        return u", ".join(self.fields())
+    def changeset(self):
+        """Return the list of fields and values as needed to update the database.
+        @return: tuple(unicode, list)
+        """
+        changes = ['%s=?' % field for field in self.fields()]
+        return (u", ".join(changes), self.values())
+class GarradinDBEntry(Entry):
+    def __init__(self, cursor, entry):
+        self.cursor = cursor
+        Entry.__init__(self, entry)
+    def insertOrReplace(self):
+        """Insert or replace the entry in the garradin database."""
+        fields = self.fieldsToString()
+        args = self.values()
+        placeholders = ",".join([u"?" for arg in args])
+        # XXX: "INSERT OR REPLACE" is needed for updating lastrowid, "REPLACE" is not enough
+        request = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)" % (self.TABLE, fields, placeholders)
+        self.cursor.execute(request, args)
+class CSVEntry(Entry):
+    def date(self):
+        """Return the date associated with this entry.
+        @return: datetime
+        """
+        try:
+            format = self.DATE_FORMAT
+        except AttributeError:
+            format = DATE_FORMAT
+        return datetime.strptime(self[self.FIELD_DATE], format)
+class GarradinDBMember(GarradinDBEntry):
+    TABLE = u"membres"
+    FIELD_ID_CATEGORY = u"id_categorie"
+    FIELD_PASSWORD = u"passe"
+    FIELD_AUTO_UPDATE = u"date_maj_auto"
+    FIELD_ADDRESS = u"adresse"
+    def __init__(self, cursor, entry):
+        GarradinDBEntry.__init__(self, cursor, entry)
+        try:
+            self.pop(self.FIELD_PASSWORD)
+        except KeyError:
+            pass
+        if hasattr(entry, "address"):
+            self[self.FIELD_ADDRESS] = entry.address()
+    def setAutoUpdate(self):
+        """Update the value of the field self.FIELD_AUTO_UPDATE."""
+        self[self.FIELD_AUTO_UPDATE] = TODAY
+    def values(self):
+        """List the values.
+        @return: list
+        """
+        values = []
+        for field, value in self.iteritems():
+            if TABLE_INFOS[self.TABLE].get(field, self.TYPE_TEXT) == self.TYPE_TEXT:
+                value = u"%s" % value.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '\\n')
+            values.append(unicode(value))
+        return values
+class GarradinDBMembership(GarradinDBEntry):
+    TABLE = u"cotisations_membres"
+    FIELD_MEMBER = u"id_membre"
+    FIELD_MEMBERSHIP = u"id_cotisation"
+    FIELD_DATE = u"date"
+class GarradinDBMembershipType(GarradinDBEntry):
+    TABLE = u"cotisations"
+    FIELD_AMOUNT = u"montant"
+class GarradinCSVMember(CSVEntry):
+    """Like GarradinDBMember but with a "categorie" field in second position."""
+    FIELD_ID_CATEGORY = u"id_categorie"
+    FIELD_CATEGORY = u"categorie"
+    FIELD_ADDRESS = u"adresse"
+    FIELDS = GarradinDBMember.FIELDS[:1] + [FIELD_CATEGORY] + GarradinDBMember.FIELDS[1:]
+    def __init__(self, cursor, db_member):
+        """
+        @param db_member (GarradinDBMember)
+        """
+        CSVEntry.__init__(self, db_member)
+        if self.FIELD_ID_CATEGORY not in self:
+            self[self.FIELD_ID_CATEGORY] = 1
+        if self.FIELD_CATEGORY not in self:
+            cursor.execute("SELECT nom FROM membres_categories WHERE id=?", (self[self.FIELD_ID_CATEGORY],))
+            rows = cursor.fetchone()
+            self[self.FIELD_CATEGORY] = rows[0]
+class ApayerCSVEntry(CSVEntry):
+    FIELD_NAME = u"Prenom"
+    FIELD_SURNAME = u"Nom"
+    FIELD_EMAIL = u"Courriel"
+    FIELD_AMOUNT = u"Montant"
+    FIELD_DATE = u"DatePaiement"
+    DATE_FORMAT = u"%d/%m/%y"
+    # XXX: there's a BOM at the beginning of the CSV file
+    FIELDS = ["Mnemonique", "TPE", "DatePaiement", "ObjetPaiement",
+              "AutreObjet", "Montant", "Devise", "Reference",
+              "Commentaire", "ReferencBancaire", "NumeroAutorisation",
+              "Nom", "Prenom", "Adresse", "CodePostal", "Ville", "Courriel",
+              "Etat", "MotifRefus", "Cvx", "Vld", "Brand", "Status3DS"]
+    FILTERED_OUT = ("", u"Mnemonique", "TPE", "Devise", "ReferencBancaire",
+                   "NumeroAutorisation", "Cvx", "Vld", "Brand", "Status3DS")
+    def address(self):
+        return u"\n".join([self["Adresse"], self["CodePostal"], self["Ville"]])
+class DjangoCSVEntry(CSVEntry):
+    FIELD_NAME = u"prenom"
+    FIELD_SURNAME = u"nom"
+    FIELD_EMAIL = u"courriel"
+    FIELD_AMOUNT = u"montant"
+    FIELD_DATE = u"date"
+    FIELDS = ["date", "prenom", "nom", "adresse", "courriel", "jid", "montant",
+              "moyen_paiement", "reference", "commentaire", "lettre_info",
+              "langue"]
+class GarradinDBOperation(GarradinDBEntry):
+    TABLE = u"compta_journal"
+class GarradinCSVOperation(CSVEntry):
+    FIELDS = (u"Numéro mouvement", u"Date", u"Type de mouvement", u"Catégorie",
+              u"Libellé", u"Montant", u"Compte de débit - numéro",
+              u"Compte de débit - libellé", u"Compte de crédit - numéro",
+              u"Compte de crédit - libellé", u"Moyen de paiement",
+              u"Numéro de chèque", u"Numéro de pièce", u"Remarques")
+class CmCSVOperation(CSVEntry):
+    FIELD_DATE = u"Date d'opération"
+    DATE_FORMAT = u"%d/%m/%Y"
+    FIELDS = (FIELD_DATE, u"Date de valeur", u"Débit", u"Crédit",
+              u"Libellé", u"Solde")
+class EntryMatcher(object):
+    def __init__(self, cursor):
+        self.cursor = cursor
+    def processEntryForCSVExport(self, entry, context):
+        """Return the processed entry ready to be exported to CSV,
+        or None if the entry is conflicting with another one already existing.
+        @param entry (Entry): an Entry instance
+        @param context (unicode): context indication for the user
+        @return: GarradinCSVMember or None
+        """
+        # this method is not optimised but it's sensible... don't mess with it.
+        tmp_entry = GarradinDBMember(self.cursor, entry)
+        base_entry = self.getMatchingEntry(tmp_entry, context)
+        if base_entry is None:
+            return None
+        base_entry.update(tmp_entry)
+        new_entry = GarradinCSVMember(self.cursor, base_entry)
+        new_entry.matched = base_entry.matched
+        return new_entry
+    def getMatchingEntry(self, new_entry, context):
+        """Try to get a matching entry, the behavior depends of the found match:
+            - no match at all: returns a new empty entry
+            - incomplete match: returns None and write a warning in the logs
+            - unique or equal match: returns the matching database entry
+        @param new_entry (GarradinDBMember): entry to be matched
+        @param context (unicode): context indication for the user
+        @return: GarradinDBMember or None:
+        """
+        self.cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM %s" % new_entry.TABLE)
+        rows = self.cursor.fetchall()
+        for row in rows:
+            row = list(row)
+            current_entry = GarradinDBMember(self, row)
+            match = current_entry.identityMatch(new_entry)
+            if match == Entry.MATCH_NONE:
+                continue  # try to match next row
+            current_entry.matched = match
+            if match == Entry.MATCH_EQUAL:
+                return current_entry  # we still need to update the membership
+            if match == Entry.MATCH_INCOMPLETE:
+                log = logger.warning
+                desc = (u"INCOMPLETE", u"A MANUAL check and process is required!")
+            elif match == Entry.MATCH_UNIQUE:
+                log =
+                desc = (u"unique", u"The database entry will be updated.")
+            log(u"A %s match has been found between these two entries from \"%s\" and garradin's \"%s\" table:" % (desc[0], context, current_entry.TABLE))
+            log(u"  - %s" % new_entry.valuesToString())
+            log(u"  - %s" % current_entry.valuesToString())
+            log("  --> %s" % desc[1])
+            return current_entry if match == Entry.MATCH_UNIQUE else None
+        return GarradinDBMember(self, {})
+class MembershipManager(object):
+    def __init__(self, cursor):
+        self.cursor = cursor
+        self.memberships = {}
+    def setCache(self, email, amount, date):
+        """Write a membership in cache for later database update.
+        @param email (unicode): email adress of the member
+        @param amount (int): amount of the membership fee
+        @param date (datetime): date of the subscription
+        """
+        self.memberships[email] = (amount, date)
+    def getMembershipAmount(self, membership_id):
+        """Return a membership amount.
+        @param membership_id (int): membership ID in the "cotisations" table
+        @return: int
+        """
+        self.cursor.execute("SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE id=?" % (GarradinDBMembershipType.FIELD_AMOUNT, GarradinDBMembershipType.TABLE), (membership_id,))
+        return int(self.cursor.fetchone()[0])
+    def getMemberIdentity(self, member_id):
+        """Return a human-readable identity.
+        @param member_id (int): member ID in the "membres" table
+        @return: unicode
+        """
+        self.cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE id=?" % GarradinDBMember.TABLE, (member_id,))
+        return GarradinDBMember(self, self.cursor.fetchone()).identityToString()
+    def getMembershipType(self, amount):
+        """Return the suitable membership type ID and amount for the given amount.
+        @param amount (int): payment amount
+        @return: (int, int)
+        """
+        request = "SELECT id, MAX({field}) FROM {table} WHERE {field} <= ?".format(field=GarradinDBMembershipType.FIELD_AMOUNT, table=GarradinDBMembershipType.TABLE)
+        self.cursor.execute(request, (amount,))
+        return self.cursor.fetchone()
+    def updateMembershipFromCache(self, member_id, email):
+        """Look in the cache to update the membership fee of a member.
+        @param member_id (int): member ID in the "membres" table
+        @param email(unicode): member email
+        """
+        membership = self.memberships.pop(email, None)
+        if membership:
+            amount, date = membership
+            self.updateMembership(member_id, amount, date)
+    def updateMembership(self, member_id, amount, date_payment):
+        """Update the membership fee of a member.
+        @param member_id (int): member ID in the "membres" table
+        @param amount (float): amount of the membership fee
+        @param date_payment (unicode): date of the payment
+        """
+        member = self.getMemberIdentity(member_id)
+        self.cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE id_membre=?" % GarradinDBMembership.TABLE, (member_id,))
+        rows = self.cursor.fetchall()
+        entries = [GarradinDBMembership(self.cursor, row) for row in rows]
+        entries.sort(key=lambda entry: entry[entry.FIELD_DATE])
+        # first we check for inconsistency
+        last_date, last_amount = datetime.strptime(DATE_ORIGIN, DATE_FORMAT), 0
+        for entry in entries:
+            current_date = datetime.strptime(entry[entry.FIELD_DATE], DATE_FORMAT)
+            current_amount = self.getMembershipAmount(entry[entry.FIELD_MEMBERSHIP])
+            if (current_date - last_date).days < 365:
+                logger.warning(u"At least two memberships within less than one year have been registered for %s:" % member)
+                logger.warning(u"  - € %d on %s" % (last_amount, last_date))
+                logger.warning(u"  - € %d on %s" % (current_amount, current_date))
+                logger.warning(u"  --> Please fix it MANUALLY!")
+            last_date, last_amount = current_date, current_amount
+        if (date_payment - last_date).days < 365:
+            amount += last_amount  # cumulate two payments
+        else:
+            data = {GarradinDBMembership.FIELD_MEMBER: member_id,
+                    GarradinDBMembership.FIELD_DATE: date_payment}
+            entry = GarradinDBMembership(self.cursor, data)
+        m_type_id, m_type_amount = self.getMembershipType(amount)
+        delta = amount - m_type_amount
+        if delta:
+            logger.warning(u"We received € %.2f from %s: a membership fee of € %d will be registered." % (amount, member, m_type_amount))
+            logger.warning(u"  --> Please MANUALLY register a donation of € %.2f." % delta)
+        entry[entry.FIELD_MEMBERSHIP] = m_type_id
+        entry.insertOrReplace()
+class MembersImporter(object):
+    def __init__(self, cursor):
+        self.cursor = cursor
+        self.fails = []
+        self.membership_manager = MembershipManager(cursor)
+    def fixRowFromLeadingEqualSign(self, row):
+        """Fix leading equal sign in CSV field since it is not handled by Python.
+        @param data (dict{unicode: unicode}): row data
+        """
+        for field, value in row.iteritems():
+            if value.startswith('="') and value.endswith('"'):
+                row[field] = value[2:-1]
+    def importFromCSV(self, input_csv, output_csv=None):
+        """Import members from a CSV to garradin.
+        @param input_csv (unicode): path to the input CSV file
+        @param output_csv (unicode): path to store intermediate Garradin CSV
+        """
+        tmp_csv = output_csv if output_csv else tempfile.mkstemp()[1]
+        matcher = EntryMatcher(self.cursor)
+        with open(input_csv, 'r') as csv_file:
+            reader = unicodecsv.DictReader(csv_file, dialect="my_dialect")
+  "Processing %s..." % input_csv)
+            with open(tmp_csv, 'w') as tmp_file:
+                writer = unicodecsv.DictWriter(tmp_file, GarradinCSVMember.FIELDS, dialect="my_dialect")
+                fails = []
+                for row in reader:
+                    input_entry = self.CSV_ENTRY_CLASS(row)
+                    date =
+                    if (LAST_AUTO_UPDATE - date).days > self.AGE_LIMIT:
+                        continue  # skip older entries
+                    self.fixRowFromLeadingEqualSign(input_entry)
+                    if not self.checkEntry(input_entry):
+                        self.fails.append(input_entry)
+                        continue
+                    entry = matcher.processEntryForCSVExport(input_entry, self.CONTEXT)
+                    if not entry:
+                        continue
+                    if entry.matched != Entry.MATCH_EQUAL:
+                        writer.writerow(entry)
+                    self.extraProcessEntry(input_entry, entry)
+                self.printFails()
+        self.importFromGarradinCSV(tmp_csv)
+        if not output_csv:
+            os.remove(tmp_csv)
+    def checkEntry(self, input_entry):
+        return True
+    def printFails(self):
+        pass
+    def extraProcessEntry(self, input_entry, entry):
+        pass
+    def importFromGarradinCSV(self, csv_file):
+        """Import a garradin CSV to the database.
+        @param csv_file (unicode): file to import
+        """
+        with open(csv_file, 'r') as file:
+            reader = unicodecsv.reader(file, dialect="my_dialect")
+            for row in reader:
+                row.pop(1)  # remove the category name
+                db_entry = GarradinDBMember(self.cursor, row)
+                db_entry.setAutoUpdate()
+                db_entry.insertOrReplace()
+                self.membership_manager.updateMembershipFromCache(self.cursor.lastrowid, db_entry[db_entry.FIELD_EMAIL])
+                action = "updated" if db_entry.get('id', None) else "added"
+                logger.warning("The member %s has been %s." % (db_entry.identityToString(), action))
+class ApayerImporter(MembersImporter):
+    CSV_ENTRY_CLASS = ApayerCSVEntry
+    # since we receive the CSV every Sunday, operations can be one week old
+    # without having been processed yet, even if you do a daily auto update
+    AGE_LIMIT = 14
+    CONTEXT = u"apayer"
+    STATE_ACCEPTED = u"Paiement accepté (payé)"
+    def checkEntry(self, input_entry):
+        return input_entry["Etat"] == self.STATE_ACCEPTED
+    def printFails(self):
+        if self.fails:
+            logger.warning(u"The following \"apayer\" operations have NOT been completed, you MAY want to contact the users:")
+            for row in self.fails:
+                fields = ["%s: %s" % (key, value) for key, value in row.iteritems() if key not in ApayerCSVEntry.FILTERED_OUT and value]
+                logger.warning(u"  - %s" % ", ".join(fields))
+    def extraProcessEntry(self, input_entry, entry):
+        # update membership fee
+        date =
+        amount = float(input_entry[input_entry.FIELD_AMOUNT])
+        if entry.get("id", None):
+            self.membership_manager.updateMembership(entry["id"], amount, date)
+        else:  # we don't know the member ID yet
+            self.membership_manager.setCache(entry[entry.FIELD_EMAIL], amount, date)
+class DjangoImporter(MembersImporter):
+    CSV_ENTRY_CLASS = DjangoCSVEntry
+    # if you do a daily auto update, this file is processed everyday
+    AGE_LIMIT = 2
+    CONTEXT = u"django form"
+    def extraProcessEntry(self, input_entry, entry):
+        date =
+        if not entry.get("id", None):  # new user
+            self.membership_manager.setCache(entry[entry.FIELD_EMAIL], 0, date)
+class CmImporter(object):
+    AGE_LIMIT = 60
+    def importFromCSV(self, csv_file):
+        """Import financial operation from credit mutuel CSV to garradin.
+        @param csv_file (unicode): path to django form CSV file
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError  # TODO: update database with entry
+### MAIN CLASS ###
+class GarradinUpdater(object):
+    def __init__(self, cursor):
+        self.cursor = cursor
+    def importFromApayer(self):
+        """Import CSV files from apayer"""
+        for apayer_csv in glob(os.path.join(INPUT_PATH, *APAYER_FILES)):
+            if dirtyGetDateOfFile(apayer_csv) >= LAST_AUTO_UPDATE:
+                ApayerImporter(self.cursor).importFromCSV(apayer_csv)
+    def importFromDjango(self):
+        """Import all Django CSV files"""
+        # FIXME: import JID, subscription to mailing list and comment
+        for django_csv in glob(os.path.join(INPUT_PATH, *DJANGO_FILES)):
+            DjangoImporter(self.cursor).importFromCSV(django_csv)
+    def importFromCm(self):
+        """Import all credit mutuel CSV files"""
+        for cm_csv in glob(os.path.join(INPUT_PATH, *CM_FILES)):
+            if dirtyGetDateOfFile(cm_csv) >= LAST_AUTO_UPDATE:
+                CmImporter(self.cursor).importFromCSV(cm_csv)
+con = sqlite3.connect(DB_FILE)
+with con:
+    cursor = con.cursor()
+    updater = GarradinUpdater(cursor)
+    updater.importFromApayer()
+    updater.importFromDjango()
+    #updater.importFromCm()
+    GarradinDB(cursor).setLastAutoUpdate("2015-06-01")