{% blocktrans with demo_http="http://libervia.org" demo_https="https://libervia.org" %}This message advices you to use Libervia with HTTPS instead of HTTP. The difference between the two is that HTTPS is more secure because the connection between your browser and the server is encrypted. This is especially recommended when you have to type a password. You should always use {{demo_https}} instead of {{demo_http}}.{% endblocktrans %}
{% blocktrans with demo_https="https://libervia.org" cacert='CAcert' %}The issue here is that {{cacert}}, the certification authority that we use for authenticating {{demo_https}} is not recognised by your browser. The fact your browser doesn't trust CAcert doesn't mean that it is unsecure. For us, it is even more trustable than any other certification organism and we use it on purpose. Despite some companies are offering free certificates that are recognised by every browser, we prefer to support a community-driven and transparent service like CAcert.{% endblocktrans %}
{% blocktrans with demo_https="https://libervia.org" %}So for this time, even if you don't know what's going on, please trust us and accept the certificate. You have to do it only once and then your browser will not bug you anymore when you are about to connect to {{demo_https}}. If you use Mozilla Firefox, proceed this way:{% endblocktrans %}
{%blocktrans with demo_https="https://libervia.org" cacert_wiki='http://wiki.cacert.org/FAQ/BrowserClients' %}Alternatively, you can import the CAcert root certificate to your browser. This is actually a better solution because not only {{demo_https}} but all the websites using the same certification organism than us will be accessible without any security warning and since the first time. To do so, please follow the instructions that are given here: {{cacert_wiki}}. It may look complicated but it is not, for example with Firefox you just need to install an add-on!{% endblocktrans %}