diff src/plugins/plugin_syntax_wiki_dotclear.py @ 1808:18561326a561

plugin syntax dotclear: renamed syntax to wiki_dotclear, and renamed plugin file to plugin_syntax_wiki_dotclear.py
author Goffi <goffi@goffi.org>
date Mon, 18 Jan 2016 17:30:14 +0100
parents src/plugins/plugin_syntax_dc_wiki.py@0d3110341947
children 2daf7b4c6756
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/plugins/plugin_syntax_wiki_dotclear.py	Mon Jan 18 17:30:14 2016 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,647 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# SàT plugin for Dotclear Wiki Syntax
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Jérôme Poisson (goffi@goffi.org)
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# XXX: ref used: http://dotclear.org/documentation/2.0/usage/syntaxes#wiki-syntax-and-xhtml-equivalent
+from sat.core.i18n import _
+from sat.core.log import getLogger
+log = getLogger(__name__)
+from sat.core.constants import Const as C
+from sat.core import exceptions
+from twisted.words.xish import domish
+from sat.tools import xml_tools
+import copy
+import re
+    "name": "Dotclear Wiki Syntax Plugin",
+    "import_name": "SYNT_DC_WIKI",
+    "type": C.PLUG_TYPE_SYNTAXE,
+    "dependencies": ["TEXT-SYNTAXES"],
+    "main": "DCWikiSyntax",
+    "handler": "",
+    "description": _("""Implementation of Dotclear wiki syntax""")
+NOTE_TPL = u'[{}]' # Note template
+NOTE_A_REV_TPL = u'rev_note_{}'
+NOTE_A_TPL = u'note_{}'
+ESCAPE_CHARS_BASE = r"(?P<escape_char>[][{}%|\\/*#@{{}}~$-])"
+ESCAPE_CHARS_EXTRA = r"!?_+'()" # These chars are not escaped in XHTML => dc_wiki conversion,
+                                # but are used in the other direction
+FLAG_UL = 'ul' # must be the name of the element
+FLAG_OL = 'ol'
+ELT_WITH_STYLE = ('img', 'div') # elements where a style attribute is expected
+wiki = [r'\\' + ESCAPE_CHARS_BASE.format(ESCAPE_CHARS_EXTRA),
+        r"^!!!!!(?P<h1_title>.+?)$",
+        r"^!!!!(?P<h2_title>.+?)$",
+        r"^!!!(?P<h3_title>.+?)$",
+        r"^!!(?P<h4_title>.+?)$",
+        r"^!(?P<h5_title>.+?)$",
+        r"^----$(?P<horizontal_rule>)",
+        r"^\*(?P<list_bullet>.*?)$",
+        r"^#(?P<list_ordered>.*?)$",
+        r"^ (?P<preformated>.*?)$",
+        r"^> +?(?P<quote>.*?)$",
+        r"''(?P<emphasis>.+?)''",
+        r"__(?P<strong_emphasis>.+?)__",
+        r"%%%(?P<line_break>)",
+        r"\+\+(?P<insertion>.+?)\+\+",
+        r"--(?P<deletion>.+?)--",
+        r"\[(?P<link>.+?)\]",
+        r"\(\((?P<image>.+?)\)\)",
+        r"~(?P<anchor>.+?)~",
+        r"\?\?(?P<acronym>.+?\|.+?)\?\?",
+        r"{{(?P<inline_quote>.+?)}}",
+        r"@@(?P<code>.+?)@@",
+        r"\$\$(?P<footnote>.+?)\$\$",
+        r"(?P<text>.+?)",
+       ]
+wiki_re = re.compile('|'.join(wiki), re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
+wiki_block_level_re = re.compile(r"^///html(?P<html>.+?)///\n\n|(?P<paragraph>.+?)(?:\n{2,}|\Z)", re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
+class DCWikiParser(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._footnotes = None
+        for i in xrange(5):
+            setattr(self,
+                'parser_h{}_title'.format(i),
+                lambda string, parent, i=i: self._parser_title(string, parent, 'h{}'.format(i)))
+    def parser_paragraph(self, string, parent):
+        p_elt = parent.addElement('p')
+        self._parse(string, p_elt)
+    def parser_html(self, string, parent):
+        wrapped_html = "<div>{}</div>".format(string)
+        try:
+            div_elt = xml_tools.ElementParser()(wrapped_html)
+        except domish.ParserError as e:
+            log.warning(u"Error while parsing HTML content, ignoring it: {}".format(e))
+            return
+        children = list(div_elt.elements())
+        if len(children) == 1 and children[0].name == 'div':
+            div_elt = children[0]
+        parent.addChild(div_elt)
+    def parser_escape_char(self, string, parent):
+        parent.addContent(string)
+    def _parser_title(self, string, parent, name):
+        elt = parent.addElement(name)
+        elt.addContent(string)
+    def parser_horizontal_rule(self, string, parent):
+        parent.addElement('hr')
+    def _parser_list(self, string, parent, list_type):
+        depth = 0
+        while string[depth:depth+1] == '*':
+            depth +=1
+        string = string[depth:].lstrip()
+        for i in xrange(depth+1):
+            list_elt = getattr(parent, list_type)
+            if not list_elt:
+                parent = parent.addElement(list_type)
+            else:
+                parent = list_elt
+        li_elt = parent.addElement('li')
+        self._parse(string, li_elt)
+    def parser_list_bullet(self, string, parent):
+        self._parser_list(string, parent, 'ul')
+    def parser_list_ordered(self, string, parent):
+        self._parser_list(string, parent, 'ol')
+    def parser_preformated(self, string, parent):
+        pre_elt = parent.pre
+        if pre_elt is None:
+            pre_elt = parent.addElement('pre')
+        else:
+            # we are on a new line, and this is important for <pre/>
+            pre_elt.addContent('\n')
+        pre_elt.addContent(string)
+    def parser_quote(self, string, parent):
+        blockquote_elt = parent.blockquote
+        if blockquote_elt is None:
+            blockquote_elt = parent.addElement('blockquote')
+        p_elt = blockquote_elt.p
+        if p_elt is None:
+            p_elt = blockquote_elt.addElement('p')
+        else:
+            string = u'\n' + string
+        self._parse(string, p_elt)
+    def parser_emphasis(self, string, parent):
+        em_elt = parent.addElement('em')
+        self._parse(string, em_elt)
+    def parser_strong_emphasis(self, string, parent):
+        strong_elt = parent.addElement('strong')
+        self._parse(string, strong_elt)
+    def parser_line_break(self, string, parent):
+        parent.addElement('br')
+    def parser_insertion(self, string, parent):
+        ins_elt = parent.addElement('ins')
+        self._parse(string, ins_elt)
+    def parser_deletion(self, string, parent):
+        del_elt = parent.addElement('del')
+        self._parse(string, del_elt)
+    def parser_link(self, string, parent):
+        url_data = string.split(u'|')
+        a_elt = parent.addElement('a')
+        length = len(url_data)
+        if length == 1:
+            url = url_data[0]
+            a_elt['href'] = url
+            a_elt.addContent(url)
+        else:
+            name = url_data[0]
+            url = url_data[1]
+            a_elt['href'] = url
+            a_elt.addContent(name)
+            if length >= 3:
+                a_elt['lang'] = url_data[2]
+            if length >= 4:
+                a_elt['title'] = url_data[3]
+            if length > 4:
+                log.warning(u"too much data for url, ignoring extra data")
+    def parser_image(self, string, parent):
+        image_data = string.split(u'|')
+        img_elt = parent.addElement('img')
+        for idx, attribute in enumerate(('src', 'alt', 'position', 'longdesc')):
+            try:
+                data = image_data[idx]
+            except IndexError:
+                break
+            if attribute != 'position':
+                img_elt[attribute] = data
+            else:
+                data = data.lower()
+                if data in ('l', 'g'):
+                    img_elt['style'] = "display:block; float:left; margin:0 1em 1em 0"
+                elif data in ('r', 'd'):
+                    img_elt['style'] = "display:block; float:right; margin:0 0 1em 1em"
+                elif data == 'c':
+                    img_elt['style'] = "display:block; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto"
+                else:
+                    log.warning(u"bad position argument for image, ignoring it")
+    def parser_anchor(self, string, parent):
+        a_elt = parent.addElement('a')
+        a_elt['id'] = string
+    def parser_acronym(self, string, parent):
+        acronym, title = string.split(u'|',1)
+        acronym_elt = parent.addElement('acronym', content=acronym)
+        acronym_elt['title'] = title
+    def parser_inline_quote(self, string, parent):
+        quote_data = string.split(u'|')
+        quote = quote_data[0]
+        q_elt = parent.addElement('q', content=quote)
+        for idx, attribute in enumerate(('lang', 'cite'), 1):
+            try:
+                data = quote_data[idx]
+            except IndexError:
+                break
+            q_elt[attribute] = data
+    def parser_code(self, string, parent):
+        parent.addElement('code', content=string)
+    def parser_footnote(self, string, parent):
+        idx = len(self._footnotes) + 1
+        note_txt = NOTE_TPL.format(idx)
+        sup_elt = parent.addElement('sup')
+        sup_elt['class'] = 'note'
+        a_elt = sup_elt.addElement('a', content=note_txt)
+        a_elt['id'] = NOTE_A_REV_TPL.format(idx)
+        a_elt['href'] = u'#{}'.format(NOTE_A_TPL.format(idx))
+        p_elt = domish.Element((None, 'p'))
+        a_elt = p_elt.addElement('a', content=note_txt)
+        a_elt['id'] = NOTE_A_TPL.format(idx)
+        a_elt['href'] = u'#{}'.format(NOTE_A_REV_TPL.format(idx))
+        self._parse(string, p_elt)
+        # footnotes are actually added at the end of the parsing
+        self._footnotes.append(p_elt)
+    def parser_text(self, string, parent):
+        parent.addContent(string)
+    def _parse(self, string, parent, block_level=False):
+        regex = wiki_block_level_re if block_level else wiki_re
+        for match in regex.finditer(string):
+            if match.lastgroup is None:
+                parent.addContent(string)
+                return
+            matched = match.group(match.lastgroup)
+            try:
+                parser = getattr(self, 'parser_{}'.format(match.lastgroup))
+            except AttributeError:
+                log.warning(u"No parser found for {}".format(match.lastgroup))
+                # parent.addContent(string)
+                continue
+            parser(matched, parent)
+    def parse(self, string):
+        self._footnotes = []
+        div_elt = domish.Element((None, 'div'))
+        self._parse(string, parent=div_elt, block_level=True)
+        if self._footnotes:
+            foot_div_elt = div_elt.addElement('div')
+            foot_div_elt['class'] = 'footnotes'
+            # we add a simple horizontal rule which can be customized
+            # with footnotes class, instead of a text which would need
+            # to be translated
+            foot_div_elt.addElement('hr')
+            for elt in self._footnotes:
+                foot_div_elt.addChild(elt)
+        return div_elt
+class XHTMLParser(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.flags = None
+        self.toto = 0
+        self.footnotes = None # will hold a map from url to buffer id
+        for i in xrange(1,6):
+            setattr(self,
+                'parser_h{}'.format(i),
+                lambda elt, buf, level=i: self.parserHeading(elt, buf, level)
+                )
+    def parser_a(self, elt, buf):
+        try:
+            url = elt['href']
+        except KeyError:
+            # probably an anchor
+            try:
+                id_ = elt['id']
+                if not id_:
+                    # we don't want empty values
+                    raise KeyError
+            except KeyError:
+                self.parserGeneric(elt, buf)
+            else:
+                buf.append(u'~~{}~~'.format(id_))
+            return
+        link_data = [url]
+        name = unicode(elt)
+        if name != url:
+            link_data.insert(0, name)
+        lang = elt.getAttribute('lang')
+        title = elt.getAttribute('title')
+        if lang is not None:
+            link_data.append(lang)
+        elif title is not None:
+            link_data.appand(u'')
+        if title is not None:
+            link_data.append(title)
+        buf.append(u'[')
+        buf.append(u'|'.join(link_data))
+        buf.append(u']')
+    def parser_acronym(self, elt, buf):
+        try:
+            title = elt['title']
+        except KeyError:
+            log.debug(u"Acronyme without title, using generic parser")
+            self.parserGeneric(elt, buf)
+            return
+        buf.append(u'??{}|{}??'.format(unicode(elt), title))
+    def parser_blockquote(self, elt, buf):
+        # we remove wrapping <p> to avoid empty line with "> "
+        children = list([child for child in elt.children if unicode(child).strip() not in ('', '\n')])
+        if len(children) == 1 and children[0].name == 'p':
+            elt = children[0]
+        tmp_buf = []
+        self.parseChildren(elt, tmp_buf)
+        blockquote = u'> ' + u'\n> '.join(u''.join(tmp_buf).split('\n'))
+        buf.append(blockquote)
+    def parser_br(self, elt, buf):
+        buf.append(u'%%%')
+    def parser_code(self, elt, buf):
+        buf.append(u'@@')
+        self.parseChildren(elt, buf)
+        buf.append(u'@@')
+    def parser_del(self, elt, buf):
+        buf.append(u'--')
+        self.parseChildren(elt, buf)
+        buf.append(u'--')
+    def parser_div(self, elt, buf):
+        if elt.getAttribute('class') == 'footnotes':
+            self.parserFootnote(elt, buf)
+        else:
+            self.parseChildren(elt, buf, block=True)
+    def parser_em(self, elt, buf):
+        buf.append(u"''")
+        self.parseChildren(elt, buf)
+        buf.append(u"''")
+    def parser_h6(self, elt, buf):
+        # XXX: <h6/> heading is not managed by wiki syntax
+        #      so we handle it with a <h5/>
+        elt = copy.copy(elt) # we don't want to change to original element
+        elt.name = 'h5'
+        self._parse(elt, buf)
+    def parser_hr(self, elt, buf):
+        buf.append(u'\n----\n')
+    def parser_img(self, elt, buf):
+        try:
+            url = elt['src']
+        except KeyError:
+            log.warning(u"Ignoring <img/> without src")
+            return
+        image_data=[url]
+        alt = elt.getAttribute('alt')
+        style = elt.getAttribute('style', '')
+        desc = elt.getAttribute('longdesc')
+        if '0 1em 1em 0' in style:
+            position = 'L'
+        elif '0 0 1em 1em' in style:
+            position = 'R'
+        elif 'auto' in style:
+            position = 'C'
+        else:
+            position = None
+        if alt:
+            image_data.append(alt)
+        elif position or desc:
+            image_data.append(u'')
+        if position:
+            image_data.append(position)
+        elif desc:
+            image_data.append(u'')
+        if desc:
+            image_data.append(desc)
+        buf.append(u'((')
+        buf.append(u'|'.join(image_data))
+        buf.append(u'))')
+    def parser_ins(self, elt, buf):
+        buf.append(u'++')
+        self.parseChildren(elt, buf)
+        buf.append(u'++')
+    def parser_li(self, elt, buf):
+        flag = None
+        current_flag = None
+        bullets = []
+        for flag in reversed(self.flags):
+            if flag in (FLAG_UL, FLAG_OL):
+                if current_flag is None:
+                    current_flag = flag
+                if flag == current_flag:
+                    bullets.append(u'*' if flag == FLAG_UL else u'#')
+                else:
+                    break
+        if flag != current_flag and buf[-1] == u' ':
+            # this trick is to avoid a space when we switch
+            # from (un)ordered to the other type on the same row
+            # e.g. *# unorder + ordered item
+            del buf[-1]
+        buf.extend(bullets)
+        buf.append(u' ')
+        self.parseChildren(elt, buf)
+        buf.append(u'\n')
+    def parser_ol(self, elt, buf):
+        self.parserList(elt, buf, FLAG_OL)
+    def parser_p(self, elt, buf):
+        self.parseChildren(elt, buf)
+        buf.append(u'\n\n')
+    def parser_pre(self, elt, buf):
+        pre = u''.join([child.toXml() if domish.IElement.providedBy(child) else unicode(child) for child in elt.children])
+        pre = u' ' + u'\n '.join(pre.split('\n'))
+        buf.append(pre)
+    def parser_q(self, elt, buf):
+        quote_data=[unicode(elt)]
+        lang = elt.getAttribute('lang')
+        cite = elt.getAttribute('url')
+        if lang:
+            quote_data.append(lang)
+        elif cite:
+            quote_data.append(u'')
+        if cite:
+            quote_data.append(cite)
+        buf.append(u'{{')
+        buf.append(u'|'.join(quote_data))
+        buf.append(u'}}')
+    def parser_span(self, elt, buf):
+        self.parseChildren(elt, buf, block=True)
+    def parser_strong(self, elt, buf):
+        buf.append(u'__')
+        self.parseChildren(elt, buf)
+        buf.append(u'__')
+    def parser_sup(self, elt, buf):
+        # sup is mainly used for footnotes, so we check if we have an anchor inside
+        children = list([child for child in elt.children if unicode(child).strip() not in ('', '\n')])
+        if (len(children) == 1 and domish.IElement.providedBy(children[0])
+            and children[0].name == 'a' and '#' in children[0].getAttribute('href', '')):
+            url = children[0]['href']
+            note_id = url[url.find('#')+1:]
+            if not note_id:
+                log.warning("bad link found in footnote")
+                self.parserGeneric(elt, buf)
+                return
+            # this looks like a footnote
+            buf.append(u'$$')
+            buf.append(u' ') # placeholder
+            self.footnotes[note_id] = len(buf) - 1
+            buf.append(u'$$')
+        else:
+            self.parserGeneric(elt, buf)
+    def parser_ul(self, elt, buf):
+        self.parserList(elt, buf, FLAG_UL)
+    def parserList(self, elt, buf, type_):
+        self.flags.append(type_)
+        self.parseChildren(elt, buf, block=True)
+        idx = 0
+        for flag in reversed(self.flags):
+            idx -= 1
+            if flag == type_:
+                del self.flags[idx]
+                break
+        if idx == 0:
+            raise exceptions.InternalError(u"flag has been removed by an other parser")
+    def parserHeading(self, elt, buf, level):
+        buf.append((6-level) * u'!')
+        for child in elt.children:
+            # we ignore other elements for a Hx title
+            self.parserText(child, buf)
+        buf.append(u'\n')
+    def parserFootnote(self, elt, buf):
+        for elt in elt.elements():
+            # all children other than <p/> are ignored
+            if elt.name == 'p':
+                a_elt = elt.a
+                if a_elt is None:
+                    log.warning(u"<p/> element doesn't contain <a/> in footnote, ignoring it")
+                    continue
+                try:
+                    note_idx = self.footnotes[a_elt['id']]
+                except KeyError:
+                    log.warning(u"Note id doesn't match any known note, ignoring it")
+                # we create a dummy element to parse all children after the <a/>
+                dummy_elt = domish.Element((None, 'note'))
+                a_idx = elt.children.index(a_elt)
+                dummy_elt.children = elt.children[a_idx+1:]
+                note_buf = []
+                self.parseChildren(dummy_elt, note_buf)
+                # now we can replace the placeholder
+                buf[note_idx] = u''.join(note_buf)
+    def parserText(self, txt, buf, keep_whitespaces=False):
+        txt = unicode(txt)
+        if not keep_whitespaces:
+            # we get text and only let one inter word space
+            txt = u' '.join(txt.split())
+        txt = re.sub(ESCAPE_CHARS, r'\\\1', txt)
+        if txt:
+            buf.append(txt)
+        return txt
+    def parserGeneric(self, elt, buf):
+        # as dotclear wiki syntax handle arbitrary XHTML code
+        # we use this feature to add elements that we don't know
+        buf.append(u"\n\n///html\n{}\n///\n\n".format(elt.toXml()))
+    def parseChildren(self, elt, buf, block=False):
+        first_visible = True
+        for child in elt.children:
+            if not block and not first_visible and buf and buf[-1][-1] not in (' ','\n'):
+                # we add separation if it isn't already there
+                buf.append(u' ')
+            if domish.IElement.providedBy(child):
+                self._parse(child, buf)
+                first_visible = False
+            else:
+                appended = self.parserText(child, buf)
+                if appended:
+                    first_visible = False
+    def _parse(self, elt, buf):
+        elt_name = elt.name.lower()
+        style = elt.getAttribute('style')
+        if style and elt_name not in ELT_WITH_STYLE:
+            # if we have style we use generic parser to put raw HTML
+            # to avoid losing it
+            parser = self.parserGeneric
+        else:
+            try:
+                parser = getattr(self, "parser_{}".format(elt_name))
+            except AttributeError:
+                log.debug("Can't find parser for {} element, using generic one".format(elt.name))
+                parser = self.parserGeneric
+        parser(elt, buf)
+    def parse(self, elt):
+        self.flags = []
+        self.footnotes = {}
+        buf = []
+        self._parse(elt, buf)
+        return u''.join(buf)
+    def parseString(self, string):
+        wrapped_html = u"<div>{}</div>".format(string)
+        try:
+            div_elt = xml_tools.ElementParser()(wrapped_html)
+        except domish.ParserError as e:
+            log.warning(u"Error while parsing HTML content: {}".format(e))
+            return
+        children = list(div_elt.elements())
+        if len(children) == 1 and children[0].name == 'div':
+            div_elt = children[0]
+        return self.parse(div_elt)
+class DCWikiSyntax(object):
+    SYNTAX_NAME = "wiki_dotclear"
+    def __init__(self, host):
+        log.info(_(u"Dotclear wiki syntax plugin initialization"))
+        self.host = host
+        self._dc_parser = DCWikiParser()
+        self._xhtml_parser = XHTMLParser()
+        self._stx = self.host.plugins["TEXT-SYNTAXES"]
+        self._stx.addSyntax(self.SYNTAX_NAME, self.parseWiki, self.parseXHTML, [self._stx.OPT_NO_THREAD])
+    def parseWiki(self, wiki_stx):
+        div_elt = self._dc_parser.parse(wiki_stx)
+        return div_elt.toXml()
+    def parseXHTML(self, xhtml):
+        return self._xhtml_parser.parseString(xhtml)