diff src/plugins/plugin_xep_0115.py @ 944:e1842ebcb2f3

core, plugin XEP-0115: discovery refactoring: - hashing algorithm of XEP-0115 has been including in core - our own hash is still calculated by XEP-0115 and can be regenerated with XEP_0115.recalculateHash - old discovery methods have been removed. Now the following methods are used: - hasFeature: tell if a feature is available for an entity - getDiscoInfos: self explaining - getDiscoItems: self explaining - findServiceEntities: return all available items of an entity which given (category, type) - findFeaturesSet: search for a set of features in entity + entity's items all these methods are asynchronous, and manage cache automatically - XEP-0115 manage in a better way hashes, and now use a trigger for presence instead of monkey patch - new FeatureNotFound exception, when we want to do something which is not available - refactored client initialisation sequence, removed client.initialized Deferred - added constant APP_URL - test_plugin_xep_0033.py has been temporarly deactivated, the time to adapt it - lot of cleaning
author Goffi <goffi@goffi.org>
date Fri, 28 Mar 2014 18:07:22 +0100
parents c6d8fc63b1db
children 4a577b170809
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/src/plugins/plugin_xep_0115.py	Fri Mar 28 18:07:17 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/plugins/plugin_xep_0115.py	Fri Mar 28 18:07:22 2014 +0100
@@ -22,16 +22,10 @@
 from logging import debug, info, error, warning
 from twisted.words.xish import domish
 from twisted.words.protocols.jabber import jid
-from sat.memory.persistent import PersistentBinaryDict
-import types
+from twisted.internet import defer
 from zope.interface import implements
 from wokkel import disco, iwokkel
-from hashlib import sha1
-from base64 import b64encode
     from twisted.words.protocols.xmlstream import XMPPHandler
 except ImportError:
@@ -53,97 +47,44 @@
-class HashGenerationError(Exception):
-    pass
-class ByteIdentity(object):
-    """This class manage identity as bytes (needed for i;octet sort),
-    it is used for the hash generation"""
-    def __init__(self, identity, lang=None):
-        assert isinstance(identity, disco.DiscoIdentity)
-        self.category = identity.category.encode('utf-8')
-        self.idType = identity.type.encode('utf-8')
-        self.name = identity.name.encode('utf-8') if identity.name else ''
-        self.lang = lang.encode('utf-8') if lang else ''
-    def __str__(self):
-        return "%s/%s/%s/%s" % (self.category, self.idType, self.lang, self.name)
 class XEP_0115(object):
     cap_hash = None  # capabilities hash is class variable as it is common to all profiles
-    #TODO: this code is really dirty, need to clean it and try to move it to Wokkel
     def __init__(self, host):
         info(_("Plugin XEP_0115 initialization"))
         self.host = host
-        host.trigger.add("Disco Handled", self.checkHash)
-        self.hash_cache = PersistentBinaryDict(NS_ENTITY_CAPABILITY)  # key = hash or jid, value = features
-        self.hash_cache.load()
-        self.jid_hash = {}  # jid to hash mapping, map to a discoInfo features if the hash method is unknown
-    def checkHash(self, profile):
-        if not XEP_0115.cap_hash:
-            XEP_0115.cap_hash = self.generateHash(profile)
-        else:
-            self.presenceHack(profile)
-        return True
+        host.trigger.add("Disco handled", self._checkHash)
+        host.trigger.add("Presence send", self._presenceTrigger)
     def getHandler(self, profile):
         return XEP_0115_handler(self, profile)
-    def presenceHack(self, profile):
-        """modify SatPresenceProtocol to add capabilities data"""
+    def _checkHash(self, disco_d, profile):
+        if XEP_0115.cap_hash is None:
+            disco_d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.recalculateHash(profile))
+        return True
+    def _presenceTrigger(self, obj):
+        if XEP_0115.cap_hash is not None:
+            obj.addChild(XEP_0115.c_elt)
+        return True
+    @defer.inlineCallbacks
+    def recalculateHash(self, profile):
         client = self.host.getClient(profile)
-        presenceInst = client.presence
+        disco_infos = yield client.discoHandler.info(client.jid, client.jid, '')
+        cap_hash = self.host.memory.disco.generateHash(disco_infos)
+        info("Our capability hash has been generated: [%s]" % cap_hash)
+        debug("Generating capability domish.Element")
         c_elt = domish.Element((NS_ENTITY_CAPABILITY, 'c'))
         c_elt['hash'] = 'sha-1'
-        c_elt['node'] = 'http://sat.goffi.org'
-        c_elt['ver'] = XEP_0115.cap_hash
-        presenceInst._c_elt = c_elt
-        if "_legacy_send" in dir(presenceInst):
-            debug('capabilities already added to presence instance')
-            return
-        def hacked_send(self, obj):
-            obj.addChild(self._c_elt)
-            self._legacy_send(obj)
-        new_send = types.MethodType(hacked_send, presenceInst, presenceInst.__class__)
-        presenceInst._legacy_send = presenceInst.send
-        presenceInst.send = new_send
-    def generateHash(self, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
-        """This method generate a sha1 hash as explained in xep-0115 #5.1
-        it then store it in XEP_0115.cap_hash"""
-        profile = self.host.memory.getProfileName(profile_key)
-        if not profile:
-            error('Requesting hash for an inexistant profile')
-            raise HashGenerationError
-        client = self.host.getClient(profile_key)
-        def generateHash_2(services, profile):
-            _s = []
-            byte_identities = [ByteIdentity(service) for service in services if isinstance(service, disco.DiscoIdentity)]  # FIXME: lang must be managed here
-            byte_identities.sort(key=lambda i: i.lang)
-            byte_identities.sort(key=lambda i: i.idType)
-            byte_identities.sort(key=lambda i: i.category)
-            for identity in byte_identities:
-                _s.append(str(identity))
-                _s.append('<')
-            byte_features = [service.encode('utf-8') for service in services if isinstance(service, disco.DiscoFeature)]
-            byte_features.sort()  # XXX: the default sort has the same behaviour as the requested RFC 4790 i;octet sort
-            for feature in byte_features:
-                _s.append(feature)
-                _s.append('<')
-            #TODO: manage XEP-0128 data form here
-            XEP_0115.cap_hash = b64encode(sha1(''.join(_s)).digest())
-            debug(_('Capability hash generated: [%s]') % XEP_0115.cap_hash)
-            self.presenceHack(profile)
-        client.discoHandler.info(client.jid, client.jid, '').addCallback(generateHash_2, profile)
+        c_elt['node'] = C.APP_URL
+        c_elt['ver'] = cap_hash
+        XEP_0115.cap_hash = cap_hash
+        XEP_0115.c_elt = c_elt
+        if cap_hash not in self.host.memory.disco.hashes:
+            self.host.memory.disco.hashes[cap_hash] = disco_infos
+            self.host.memory.updateEntityData(client.jid, C.ENTITY_CAP_HASH, cap_hash, profile)
 class XEP_0115_handler(XMPPHandler):
@@ -163,38 +104,35 @@
     def getDiscoItems(self, requestor, target, nodeIdentifier=''):
         return []
-    def _updateCache(self, discoResult, from_jid, key):
-        """Actually update the cache
-        @param discoResult: result of the requestInfo"""
-        if key:
-            self.plugin_parent.jid_hash[from_jid] = key
-            self.plugin_parent.hash_cache[key] = discoResult.features
-        else:
-            #No key, that means unknown hash method
-            self.plugin_parent.jid_hash[from_jid] = discoResult.features
+    @defer.inlineCallbacks
     def update(self, presence):
         Manage the capabilities of the entity
-        Check if we know the version of this capatilities
-        and get the capibilities if necessary
+        Check if we know the version of this capatilities and get the capibilities if necessary
         from_jid = jid.JID(presence['from'])
-        c_elem = filter(lambda x: x.name == "c", presence.elements())[0]  # We only want the "c" element
+        c_elem = presence.elements(NS_ENTITY_CAPABILITY, 'c').next()
-            ver = c_elem['ver']
-            hash = c_elem['hash']
-            node = c_elem['node']
+            c_ver = c_elem['ver']
+            c_hash = c_elem['hash']
+            c_node = c_elem['node']
         except KeyError:
-            warning('Received invalid capabilities tag')
+            warning(_('Received invalid capabilities tag'))
-        if not from_jid in self.plugin_parent.jid_hash:
-            if ver in self.plugin_parent.hash_cache:
-                #we know that hash, we just link it with the jid
-                self.plugin_parent.jid_hash[from_jid] = ver
-            else:
-                if hash != 'sha-1':
-                    #unknown hash method
-                    warning('Unknown hash for entity capabilities: [%s]' % hash)
-                self.parent.disco.requestInfo(from_jid).addCallback(self._updateCache, from_jid, ver if hash == 'sha-1' else None)
-        #TODO: me must manage the full algorithm described at XEP-0115 #5.4 part 3
+        if c_ver in self.host.memory.disco.hashes:
+            # we already know the hash, we update the jid entity
+            debug ("hash [%s] already in cache, updating entity" % c_ver)
+            self.host.memory.updateEntityData(from_jid, C.ENTITY_CAP_HASH, c_ver, self.profile)
+            return
+        yield self.host.getDiscoInfos(from_jid, self.profile)
+        if c_hash != 'sha-1':
+            #unknown hash method
+            warning(_('Unknown hash method for entity capabilities: [%(hash_method)s] (entity: %(jid)s, node: %(node)s)') % {'hash_method':c_hash, 'jid': from_jid, 'node': c_node})
+        computed_hash = self.host.memory.getEntityDatum(from_jid, C.ENTITY_CAP_HASH, self.profile)
+        if computed_hash != c_ver:
+            warning(_('Computed hash differ from given hash:\ngiven: [%(given_hash)s]\ncomputed: [%(computed_hash)s]\n(entity: %(jid)s, node: %(node)s)') % {'given_hash':c_ver, 'computed_hash': computed_hash, 'jid': from_jid, 'node': c_node})
+        # TODO: me must manage the full algorithm described at XEP-0115 #5.4 part 3