diff sat_pubsub/tap_http.py @ 232:923281d4c5bc

renamed idavoll directory to sat_pubsub
author Goffi <goffi@goffi.org>
date Thu, 17 May 2012 12:48:14 +0200
parents idavoll/tap_http.py@a321f9300054
children 564ae55219e1
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sat_pubsub/tap_http.py	Thu May 17 12:48:14 2012 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Ralph Meijer
+# See LICENSE for details.
+from twisted.application import internet, service, strports
+from twisted.conch import manhole, manhole_ssh
+from twisted.cred import portal, checkers
+from twisted.web2 import channel, log, resource, server
+from twisted.web2.tap import Web2Service
+from idavoll import gateway, tap
+from idavoll.gateway import RemoteSubscriptionService
+class Options(tap.Options):
+    optParameters = [
+            ('webport', None, '8086', 'Web port'),
+    ]
+def getManholeFactory(namespace, **passwords):
+    def getManHole(_):
+        return manhole.Manhole(namespace)
+    realm = manhole_ssh.TerminalRealm()
+    realm.chainedProtocolFactory.protocolFactory = getManHole
+    p = portal.Portal(realm)
+    p.registerChecker(
+            checkers.InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse(**passwords))
+    f = manhole_ssh.ConchFactory(p)
+    return f
+def makeService(config):
+    s = tap.makeService(config)
+    bs = s.getServiceNamed('backend')
+    cs = s.getServiceNamed('component')
+    # Set up XMPP service for subscribing to remote nodes
+    if config['backend'] == 'pgsql':
+        from idavoll.pgsql_storage import GatewayStorage
+        gst = GatewayStorage(bs.storage.dbpool)
+    elif config['backend'] == 'memory':
+        from idavoll.memory_storage import GatewayStorage
+        gst = GatewayStorage()
+    ss = RemoteSubscriptionService(config['jid'], gst)
+    ss.setHandlerParent(cs)
+    ss.startService()
+    # Set up web service
+    root = resource.Resource()
+    # Set up resources that exposes the backend
+    root.child_create = gateway.CreateResource(bs, config['jid'],
+                                               config['jid'])
+    root.child_delete = gateway.DeleteResource(bs, config['jid'],
+                                               config['jid'])
+    root.child_publish = gateway.PublishResource(bs, config['jid'],
+                                                 config['jid'])
+    root.child_list = gateway.ListResource(bs)
+    # Set up resources for accessing remote pubsub nodes.
+    root.child_subscribe = gateway.RemoteSubscribeResource(ss)
+    root.child_unsubscribe = gateway.RemoteUnsubscribeResource(ss)
+    root.child_items = gateway.RemoteItemsResource(ss)
+    if config["verbose"]:
+        root = log.LogWrapperResource(root)
+    site = server.Site(root)
+    w = internet.TCPServer(int(config['webport']), channel.HTTPFactory(site))
+    if config["verbose"]:
+        logObserver = log.DefaultCommonAccessLoggingObserver()
+        w2s = Web2Service(logObserver)
+        w.setServiceParent(w2s)
+        w = w2s
+    w.setServiceParent(s)
+    # Set up a manhole
+    namespace = {'service': s,
+                 'component': cs,
+                 'backend': bs,
+                 'root': root}
+    f = getManholeFactory(namespace, admin='admin')
+    manholeService = strports.service('2222', f)
+    manholeService.setServiceParent(s)
+    return s