diff src/browser/sat_browser/editor_widget.py @ 648:6d3142b782c3 frontends_multi_profiles

browser_side: classes reorganisation: - moved widgets in dedicated modules (base, contact, editor, libervia) and a widget module for single classes - same thing for panels (base, main, contact) - libervia_widget mix main panels and widget and drag n drop for technical reasons (see comments) - renamed WebPanel to WebWidget
author Goffi <goffi@goffi.org>
date Thu, 26 Feb 2015 18:10:54 +0100
parents src/browser/sat_browser/base_panels.py@e0021d571eef
children e876f493dccc
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/browser/sat_browser/editor_widget.py	Thu Feb 26 18:10:54 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Libervia: a Salut à Toi frontend
+# Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Jérôme Poisson <goffi@goffi.org>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from sat.core.log import getLogger
+log = getLogger(__name__)
+from sat_frontends.tools import strings
+from pyjamas.ui.HTML import HTML
+from pyjamas.ui.SimplePanel import SimplePanel
+from pyjamas.ui.TextArea import TextArea
+from pyjamas.ui.KeyboardListener import KEY_ENTER, KEY_SHIFT, KEY_UP, KEY_DOWN, KeyboardHandler
+from pyjamas.ui.FocusListener import FocusHandler
+from pyjamas.ui.ClickListener import ClickHandler
+from pyjamas.ui.MouseListener import MouseHandler
+from pyjamas.Timer import Timer
+from pyjamas import DOM
+import html_tools
+class MessageBox(TextArea):
+    """A basic text area for entering messages"""
+    def __init__(self, host):
+        TextArea.__init__(self)
+        self.host = host
+        self.size = (0, 0)
+        self.setStyleName('messageBox')
+        self.addKeyboardListener(self)
+        MouseHandler.__init__(self)
+        self.addMouseListener(self)
+    def onBrowserEvent(self, event):
+        # XXX: woraroung a pyjamas bug: self.currentEvent is not set
+        #     so the TextBox's cancelKey doens't work. This is a workaround
+        #     FIXME: fix the bug upstream
+        self.currentEvent = event
+        TextArea.onBrowserEvent(self, event)
+    def onKeyPress(self, sender, keycode, modifiers):
+        _txt = self.getText()
+        def history_cb(text):
+            self.setText(text)
+            Timer(5, lambda timer: self.setCursorPos(len(text)))
+        if keycode == KEY_ENTER:
+            if _txt:
+                self.host.selected_widget.onTextEntered(_txt)
+                self.host._updateInputHistory(_txt) # FIXME: why using a global variable ?
+            self.setText('')
+            sender.cancelKey()
+        elif keycode == KEY_UP:
+            self.host._updateInputHistory(_txt, -1, history_cb)
+        elif keycode == KEY_DOWN:
+            self.host._updateInputHistory(_txt, +1, history_cb)
+        else:
+            self._onComposing()
+    def _onComposing(self):
+        """Callback when the user is composing a text."""
+        self.host.selected_widget.state_machine._onEvent("composing")
+    def onMouseUp(self, sender, x, y):
+        size = (self.getOffsetWidth(), self.getOffsetHeight())
+        if size != self.size:
+            self.size = size
+            self.host.resize()
+    def onSelectedChange(self, selected):
+        self._selected_cache = selected
+class BaseTextEditor(object):
+    """Basic definition of a text editor. The method edit gets a boolean parameter which
+    should be set to True when you want to edit the text and False to only display it."""
+    def __init__(self, content=None, strproc=None, modifiedCb=None, afterEditCb=None):
+        """
+        Remark when inheriting this class: since the setContent method could be
+        overwritten by the child class, you should consider calling this __init__
+        after all the parameters affecting this setContent method have been set.
+        @param content: dict with at least a 'text' key
+        @param strproc: method to be applied on strings to clean the content
+        @param modifiedCb: method to be called when the text has been modified.
+        If this method returns:
+        - True: the modification will be saved and afterEditCb called;
+        - False: the modification won't be saved and afterEditCb called;
+        - None: the modification won't be saved and afterEditCb not called.
+        @param afterEditCb: method to be called when the edition is done
+        """
+        if content is None:
+            content = {'text': ''}
+        assert('text' in content)
+        if strproc is None:
+            def strproc(text):
+                try:
+                    return text.strip()
+                except (TypeError, AttributeError):
+                    return text
+        self.strproc = strproc
+        self.__modifiedCb = modifiedCb
+        self._afterEditCb = afterEditCb
+        self.initialized = False
+        self.edit_listeners = []
+        self.setContent(content)
+    def setContent(self, content=None):
+        """Set the editable content. The displayed content, which is set from the child class, could differ.
+        @param content: dict with at least a 'text' key
+        """
+        if content is None:
+            content = {'text': ''}
+        elif not isinstance(content, dict):
+            content = {'text': content}
+        assert('text' in content)
+        self._original_content = {}
+        for key in content:
+            self._original_content[key] = self.strproc(content[key])
+    def getContent(self):
+        """Get the current edited or editable content.
+        @return: dict with at least a 'text' key
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def setOriginalContent(self, content):
+        """Use this method with care! Content initialization should normally be
+        done with self.setContent. This method exists to let you trick the editor,
+        e.g. for self.modified to return True also when nothing has been modified.
+        @param content: dict
+        """
+        self._original_content = content
+    def getOriginalContent(self):
+        """
+        @return the original content before modification (dict)
+        """
+        return self._original_content
+    def modified(self, content=None):
+        """Check if the content has been modified.
+        Remark: we don't use the direct comparison because we want to ignore empty elements
+        @content: content to be check against the original content or None to use the current content
+        @return: True if the content has been modified.
+        """
+        if content is None:
+            content = self.getContent()
+        # the following method returns True if one non empty element exists in a but not in b
+        diff1 = lambda a, b: [a[key] for key in set(a.keys()).difference(b.keys()) if a[key]] != []
+        # the following method returns True if the values for the common keys are not equals
+        diff2 = lambda a, b: [1 for key in set(a.keys()).intersection(b.keys()) if a[key] != b[key]] != []
+        # finally the combination of both to return True if a difference is found
+        diff = lambda a, b: diff1(a, b) or diff1(b, a) or diff2(a, b)
+        return diff(content, self._original_content)
+    def edit(self, edit, abort=False, sync=False):
+        """
+        Remark: the editor must be visible before you call this method.
+        @param edit: set to True to edit the content or False to only display it
+        @param abort: set to True to cancel the edition and loose the changes.
+        If edit and abort are both True, self.abortEdition can be used to ask for a
+        confirmation. When edit is False and abort is True, abortion is actually done.
+        @param sync: set to True to cancel the edition after the content has been saved somewhere else
+        """
+        if edit:
+            if not self.initialized:
+                self.syncToEditor()  # e.g.: use the selected target and unibox content
+            self.setFocus(True)
+            if abort:
+                content = self.getContent()
+                if not self.modified(content) or self.abortEdition(content):  # e.g: ask for confirmation
+                    self.edit(False, True, sync)
+                    return
+            if sync:
+                self.syncFromEditor(content)  # e.g.: save the content to unibox
+                return
+        else:
+            if not self.initialized:
+                return
+            content = self.getContent()
+            if abort:
+                self._afterEditCb(content)
+                return
+            if self.__modifiedCb and self.modified(content):
+                result = self.__modifiedCb(content)  # e.g.: send a message or update something
+                if result is not None:
+                    if self._afterEditCb:
+                        self._afterEditCb(content)  # e.g.: restore the display mode
+                    if result is True:
+                        self.setContent(content)
+            elif self._afterEditCb:
+                self._afterEditCb(content)
+        self.initialized = True
+    def setFocus(self, focus):
+        """
+        @param focus: set to True to focus the editor
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def syncToEditor(self):
+        pass
+    def syncFromEditor(self, content):
+        pass
+    def abortEdition(self, content):
+        return True
+    def addEditListener(self, listener):
+        """Add a method to be called whenever the text is edited.
+        @param listener: method taking two arguments: sender, keycode"""
+        self.edit_listeners.append(listener)
+class SimpleTextEditor(BaseTextEditor, FocusHandler, KeyboardHandler, ClickHandler):
+    """Base class for manage a simple text editor."""
+    def __init__(self, content=None, modifiedCb=None, afterEditCb=None, options=None):
+        """
+        @param content
+        @param modifiedCb
+        @param afterEditCb
+        @param options: dict with the following value:
+        - no_xhtml: set to True to clean any xhtml content.
+        - enhance_display: if True, the display text will be enhanced with strings.addURLToText
+        - listen_keyboard: set to True to terminate the edition with <enter> or <escape>.
+        - listen_focus: set to True to terminate the edition when the focus is lost.
+        - listen_click: set to True to start the edition when you click on the widget.
+        """
+        self.options = {'no_xhtml': False,
+                        'enhance_display': True,
+                        'listen_keyboard': True,
+                        'listen_focus': False,
+                        'listen_click': False
+                        }
+        if options:
+            self.options.update(options)
+        self.__shift_down = False
+        if self.options['listen_focus']:
+            FocusHandler.__init__(self)
+        if self.options['listen_click']:
+            ClickHandler.__init__(self)
+        KeyboardHandler.__init__(self)
+        strproc = lambda text: html_tools.html_sanitize(html_tools.html_strip(text)) if self.options['no_xhtml'] else html_tools.html_strip(text)
+        BaseTextEditor.__init__(self, content, strproc, modifiedCb, afterEditCb)
+        self.textarea = self.display = None
+    def setContent(self, content=None):
+        BaseTextEditor.setContent(self, content)
+    def getContent(self):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def edit(self, edit, abort=False, sync=False):
+        BaseTextEditor.edit(self, edit)
+        if edit:
+            if self.options['listen_focus'] and self not in self.textarea._focusListeners:
+                self.textarea.addFocusListener(self)
+            if self.options['listen_click']:
+                self.display.clearClickListener()
+            if self not in self.textarea._keyboardListeners:
+                self.textarea.addKeyboardListener(self)
+        else:
+            self.setDisplayContent()
+            if self.options['listen_focus']:
+                try:
+                    self.textarea.removeFocusListener(self)
+                except ValueError:
+                    pass
+            if self.options['listen_click'] and self not in self.display._clickListeners:
+                self.display.addClickListener(self)
+            try:
+                self.textarea.removeKeyboardListener(self)
+            except ValueError:
+                pass
+    def setDisplayContent(self):
+        text = self._original_content['text']
+        if not self.options['no_xhtml']:
+            text = strings.addURLToImage(text)
+        if self.options['enhance_display']:
+            text = strings.addURLToText(text)
+        self.display.setHTML(html_tools.convertNewLinesToXHTML(text))
+    def setFocus(self, focus):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def onKeyDown(self, sender, keycode, modifiers):
+        for listener in self.edit_listeners:
+            listener(self.textarea, keycode)
+        if not self.options['listen_keyboard']:
+            return
+        if keycode == KEY_SHIFT or self.__shift_down:  # allow input a new line with <shift> + <enter>
+            self.__shift_down = True
+            return
+        if keycode == KEY_ENTER:  # finish the edition
+            self.textarea.setFocus(False)
+            if not self.options['listen_focus']:
+                self.edit(False)
+    def onKeyUp(self, sender, keycode, modifiers):
+        if keycode == KEY_SHIFT:
+            self.__shift_down = False
+    def onLostFocus(self, sender):
+        """Finish the edition when focus is lost"""
+        if self.options['listen_focus']:
+            self.edit(False)
+    def onClick(self, sender=None):
+        """Start the edition when the widget is clicked"""
+        if self.options['listen_click']:
+            self.edit(True)
+    def onBrowserEvent(self, event):
+        if self.options['listen_focus']:
+            FocusHandler.onBrowserEvent(self, event)
+        if self.options['listen_click']:
+            ClickHandler.onBrowserEvent(self, event)
+        KeyboardHandler.onBrowserEvent(self, event)
+class HTMLTextEditor(SimpleTextEditor, HTML, FocusHandler, KeyboardHandler):
+    """Manage a simple text editor with the HTML 5 "contenteditable" property."""
+    def __init__(self, content=None, modifiedCb=None, afterEditCb=None, options=None):
+        HTML.__init__(self)
+        SimpleTextEditor.__init__(self, content, modifiedCb, afterEditCb, options)
+        self.textarea = self.display = self
+    def getContent(self):
+        text = DOM.getInnerHTML(self.getElement())
+        return {'text': self.strproc(text) if text else ''}
+    def edit(self, edit, abort=False, sync=False):
+        if edit:
+            self.textarea.setHTML(self._original_content['text'])
+        self.getElement().setAttribute('contenteditable', 'true' if edit else 'false')
+        SimpleTextEditor.edit(self, edit, abort, sync)
+    def setFocus(self, focus):
+        if focus:
+            self.getElement().focus()
+        else:
+            self.getElement().blur()
+class LightTextEditor(SimpleTextEditor, SimplePanel, FocusHandler, KeyboardHandler):
+    """Manage a simple text editor with a TextArea for editing, HTML for display."""
+    def __init__(self, content=None, modifiedCb=None, afterEditCb=None, options=None):
+        SimplePanel.__init__(self)
+        SimpleTextEditor.__init__(self, content, modifiedCb, afterEditCb, options)
+        self.textarea = TextArea()
+        self.display = HTML()
+    def getContent(self):
+        text = self.textarea.getText()
+        return {'text': self.strproc(text) if text else ''}
+    def edit(self, edit, abort=False, sync=False):
+        if edit:
+            self.textarea.setText(self._original_content['text'])
+        self.setWidget(self.textarea if edit else self.display)
+        SimpleTextEditor.edit(self, edit, abort, sync)
+    def setFocus(self, focus):
+        if focus and self.isAttached():
+            self.textarea.setCursorPos(len(self.textarea.getText()))
+        self.textarea.setFocus(focus)