diff docker_legacy/base/Dockerfile @ 164:29873a41aae1

docker: new docker files are now in sat main repos, this one is legacy
author Goffi <goffi@goffi.org>
date Fri, 01 Jan 2021 18:33:52 +0100
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/docker_legacy/base/Dockerfile	Fri Jan 01 18:33:52 2021 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+#                                                             #
+#                      Salut à Toi/base                       #
+#     This Dockerfile build a « Salut à Toi » base image      #
+# Salut à Toi is a multi-frontends multi-purposes XMPP client #
+#                                                             #
+FROM debian:jessie
+MAINTAINER Goffi <goffi@goffi.org>
+# BASE #
+ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
+## Helping scripts ##
+# Following scripts make the configuration as automatic and easy as possible
+COPY scripts/set_account_domain scripts/sat scripts/add_host scripts/dbus_wrap scripts/prosodyctl /usr/local/bin/
+RUN chown root:root /usr/local/bin/set_account_domain && \
+chmod 0555 /usr/local/bin/set_account_domain && \
+chown root:root /usr/local/bin/sat && \
+chmod 0500 /usr/local/bin/sat && \
+chown root:root /usr/local/bin/add_host && \
+chmod 0555 /usr/local/bin/add_host && \
+chown root:root /usr/local/bin/prosodyctl && \
+chmod 0555 /usr/local/bin/prosodyctl && \
+chown root:root /usr/local/bin/dbus_wrap && \
+chmod 0555 /usr/local/bin/dbus_wrap && \
+# it's better to have a dedicated user
+useradd -m sat && \
+# will be used to put many SàT specific data
+mkdir -p /usr/share/sat && \
+mkdir /usr/share/sat/certificates && \
+addgroup tls-cert --gid 9999 && \
+chown :tls-cert /usr/share/sat/certificates && \
+chmod 2770 /usr/share/sat/certificates && \
+adduser sat tls-cert
+RUN apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends locales dbus-x11 python python-gobject-2 python-dbus python-lxml python-mutagen python-pil python-crypto python-feed python-potr python-xdg python-xe python-zope.interface python-gi python-urwid python-markdown python-html2text mercurial python-pip python-openssl python-service-identity gcc python-dev && \
+# we install Twisted from pip as Jessie version is too old
+pip install twisted wokkel pyOpenSSL && \
+# we remove stuff only needed to build Twisted
+# and clean what we can
+apt-get purge -y gcc python-dev && \
+apt-get autoremove -y && apt-get clean && \
+# dokuwiki module is needed for the blog importer
+pip install dokuwiki && \
+# we need a TCP socket for D-Bus
+sed -i "s&<listen>unix:tmpdir=/tmp</listen>&\0\n  <listen>tcp:host=localhost,bind=*,port=55555,family=ipv4</listen>\n  <auth>ANONYMOUS</auth>\n  <allow_anonymous/>&" /etc/dbus-1/session.conf && \
+# we need UTF-8 locale
+sed -i "s/# en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/" /etc/locale.gen && locale-gen
+RUN cd /tmp && \
+hg clone https://repos.goffi.org/urwid-satext && cd urwid-satext && \
+python setup.py install --prefix /usr --install-lib /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages && \
+cd /tmp && rm -rf urwid-satext && \
+hg clone https://repos.goffi.org/sat && cd sat && \
+python setup.py install --prefix /usr --install-lib /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages && \
+# we save repository data so SàT can get repository version
+# TODO: should be done in setup.py in the future
+python -c 'from sat.tools import utils;utils.getRepositoryData("/tmp/sat", is_path=True, save_dir_path="/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sat")' && \
+cd /tmp && rm -rf sat && \
+# we want .pid files in /tmp so they are removed if container are deleted
+echo '[DEFAULT]\npid_dir=/tmp\n\n\
+# we auto-create libervia account if it doesn't exists in Libervia container
+# so we remove it from reserved_list in plugin account
+[plugin account]\nreserved_list=' >> /etc/sat.conf && \
+# we create a sat.conf in sat user's XDG directory
+# else it would be created by set_account_domain with root only permissions
+mkdir -p /home/sat/.config/sat && touch /home/sat/.config/sat/sat.conf && \
+chown -R sat:sat /home/sat/.config && chmod 0700 /home/sat/.config/sat && \
+chmod 0600 /home/sat/.config/sat/sat.conf
+WORKDIR /home/sat
+ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash"]