view docker/sat_pubsub/Dockerfile @ 80:686a8c982c3f

docker: updated Dockerfiles: - use HTTPS URLs instead of HTTP - prosody image know use prosody Debian repository instead of Debian Jessie version, prosody 0.10 is used - prosody configuration is now in prosody directory next to Dockerfile, instead of using difficult to maintain sed calls - community modules are downloaded from mercurial, and only needed ones are kept - no more remote-roster hack \o/ - pubsub component is not at pubsub.[domain] (was sat-pubsub before) - SàT media are gotten from hg instead of ftp, so they are up-to-date with SàT version - libervia image now use pip for txJSON-RPC - fixed now needed jinja2 installation - fixed libervia/admin accounts auto-creation script - fixed uid/gid for prosody in data image - removed not needed anymore nox option in base image - added python-pip in base image - docker images now work with current dev version (0.6.0D)
author Goffi <>
date Fri, 12 Feb 2016 20:24:24 +0100
parents 0e78c8a4626e
children 8dd32aa49614
line wrap: on
line source

#                                                             #
#                   Salut à Toi/sat_pubsub                    #
#     This Dockerfile build a SàT Pubsub service for SàT      #
# Salut à Toi is a multi-frontends multi-purposes XMPP client #
#                                                             #

FROM salutatoi/base:latest


# BASE #

RUN apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends postgresql
RUN apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends python-psycopg2
RUN apt-get clean

# This script launch SàT PubSub with domain and secret gotten from prosody container
# it make the configuration more easy
RUN echo '#!/usr/bin/env python2\n\
import os, xmlrpclib\n\
proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("http://prosody:9999/")\n\
domain = proxy.getenv("DOMAIN")\n\
secret = proxy.getenv("SAT_PUBSUB_SECRET")\n\
os.execlp("twistd", "twistd", "-n", "sat_pubsub", "--rhost", "prosody",\
 "--jid", "pubsub.%s" % domain, "--secret", secret)\n\
' > /usr/local/bin/sat_pubsub && chmod 0555 /usr/local/bin/sat_pubsub

WORKDIR /usr/share

RUN hg clone && chown -R sat:sat sat_pubsub


WORKDIR sat_pubsub/db

# To simplify installation, we integrate our own PostgreSQL
# future alternate version may use an external PostgreSQL container

USER root

RUN service postgresql start; su -c "createuser -d -w sat" postgres; su -c "createdb pubsub" postgres; su -c "psql pubsub < pubsub.sql" sat; service postgresql stop


# we need to launch PostgreSQL, so we launch as root then switch to sat user
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/sh","-c", "service postgresql start && su -c sat_pubsub sat"]