9 Context menu is represented by `ContextMenu` widget that wraps all menu items as `ContextMenuTextItem` widgets. Context menus can be nested, each `ContextMenuTextItem` can contain maximum one `ContextMenu` widget.
78 Arrows that symbolize that an item has sub menu is created automatically. `ContextMenuTextItem` inherits from [ButtonBehavior](http://kivy.org/docs/api-kivy.uix.behaviors.html#kivy.uix.behaviors.ButtonBehavior) so you can use `on_release` to bind actions to it.
80 The root context menu can use `cancel_handler_widget` parameter. This adds `on_touch_down` event to it that closes the menu when you click anywhere outside the menu.
87 Creating application menus is very similar to context menus. Use `AppMenu` and `AppMenuTextItem` widgets to create the top level menu. Then each `AppMenuTextItem` can contain one `ContextMenu` widget as we saw above. `AppMenuTextItem` without `ContextMenu` are disabled by default
160`garden.contextmenu` provides you with a set of classes and mixins for creating your own customised menu items for both context and application menus.
164 Mixin class that represents basic functionality for all menus. It cannot be used by itself and needs to be extended with a layout. Provides `cancel_handler_widget` property. See [AppMenu](https://github.com/kivy-garden/garden.contextmenu/blob/master/app_menu.py) or [ContextMenu](https://github.com/kivy-garden/garden.contextmenu/blob/master/context_menu.py).
172 Mixin class that represents a single menu item. Needs to be extended to be any useful. It's a base class for all menu items for both context and application menus.
174 If you want to extend this class you need to override the `content_width` property which tells the parent `ContextMenu` what is the expected width of this item. It needs to know this to set it's own width.
178 Single context menu item. Automatically draws an arrow if contains a `ContextMenu` children. If you want to create a custom menu item extend this class.
209 Menu item with text. You'll be most of the time just fine using this class for all your menu items. You can also see it used in [all examples here](https://github.com/kivy-garden/garden.contextmenu/tree/master/examples). Contains a `Label` widget and copies `text`, `font_size` and `color` properties to it automatically.